Rolling the Wheel of Chance.

<p>I am a Irish & Filipino Community College Student from downstate New York applying for transfer this February-March 2011</p>

<p>I am a community college student, however my school is notorious for sending a substantial amount of Honors students to Ivy Institutions. This is probably going to work against me rather than for me.</p>

<p>Honors Student.
GPA: UW 3.72</p>

<p>Have taken rigorous courses at current community college that includes, but not limited to, all required course work for CALS AEM. Acquired instruction in 1 year Honors Chemistry, and taking Calculus III this spring. If I did not take honors chemistry, my gpa would be around 3.8.</p>

<p>Intended Major: Applied Economics & Management
Specialization: Food Industry/ Agribusiness Management</p>

<p>Class Rank: School doesn't rank ( i Think)</p>


<p>Unnecessary for transfers. Haven't taken them ever.</p>


<p>-Founder/President of 501 c3 Food Charity Organization
-Founder/President of Online Food Company
-President FBLA (business club)
-Internship: @ Non-Profit Agriculture Organization that deals with facilitating Community Supported Agriculture and advocating bio dynamic farming. Worked closely with executive directors on building a sustainable business model for community supported farms in New York. </p>

<p>-Summer Research: (Biol-Chem Related) Isolated anti-fungal components in plants to test for activity against various fungi. Extensive journal was kept, as well as a research presentation to a professional audience over 300.</p>

<p>-Volunteer Food Bank of New York
-Volunteer Annual Food and Wine Tasting Fundraiser New York City</p>

<p>-Phi Theta Kappa Member</p>

<p>-Some Semesters I work full time while taking full time courses. Other semesters I work Part time (10-20 hours).
-I do not live with parents, I pay rent.</p>

<p>Essays + Recs:
-Spent 6 months polishing the finished product. Several professors, close acquaintances, and friends stamped their seal of approval.
-One recommendation from a Cornell Cooperative Extension Executive Director.
-One recommendation from honors bio professor
-One recommendation from Director of business department that is also the adviser of my business club.</p>

<p>Hooks: New York Resident; non-traditional undergraduate student (25); fluently speak Vietnamese ( im not vietnamese, not sure if that counts).</p>

<p>46 views and no feed back?</p>


<p>Test scores?</p>

<p>Im a transfer student… They dont need it, nor have I taken them for legitimate reasons.</p>

<p>Bump ^…</p>


<p>no test scores. csb</p>

<p>HAA. SAT Test scores… Hello0o, I’m a transfer student. On the contrary, SAT’s by definition is a measure of how much potential a student has in college. If I already have proven myself in college, then why should I relegate myself to the SAT’s ? Use some logic. Especially when I have taken far, far more rigorous, tedious, sleep depriving courses when compared to high school classes where you get stars just for showing up.Taking the SAT’s is irrelevant to my specific situation.</p>


<p>I don’t know what high school you went to, but some classes in top high schools are probably more competitive than the classes you took in your community college. Also, the fact that you never took the SATs brings up several questions.</p>

<p>That being said, your ECs look great and should help a lot in the process.
If you don’t mind me asking…why didn’t you ever take the SATs? and what were you doing all those years after high school if you’re currently 25?</p>

<p>Dad passed away. He was a Chiropractor and a business owner. Long story short his businesses were losing money and our family struggled paying bills while I was a child. He passed away shortly after from a heart attack at the worst possible time. The day after he passed away the banks took away the cars that were still on loans, along with our home… Theres five children in my family and a widowed mother. Its hard to concentrate on school when the most important thing to take care of is putting a roof over your head. I was the oldest child in the family at 16 so I went ahead and got a GED and just forgot about school for a while. Theres a little more to it but its mostly financial reasons and traumatizing circumstances.</p>

<p>I hate using a death in the family and financial reasons as an excuse, but try living in a car for a while with your brothers and sisters in the cold with no one to help you and tell me what you would think.</p>

<p>As for the High School I went to in California. I guess it wasnt too bad since most of my friends transferred to UC berkeley from there as well as UCLA. Im not disputing that there arent any better highschools than my community college. In fact, one thing I hate about community colleges is that they lack students with motivation, which is why I need to get out of here. But for the few that are motivated in my school, we enjoy instruction from some respectable pedigree. For example, in spring last semester, my microeconomics professor was a Yale graduate, and we were taught economics the same way his professor taught him. My Macro teacher was from Georgetown. My Chemistry teacher was a professor from Georgia Tech. And so on, and so on. Although my school isn’t the best, It would be safe to assume that I received solid foundation.</p>