Ron Brown Scholar Program

<p>Yes, my worst suspicions were confirmed. I’m not a finalist. But at least I have the comfort of knowing that although I will be unable to afford to go to the #1 school that accepts me, someone else will. And it’s not like I’m up a creek without a paddle–there’s always the local tier 4 school lol. :slight_smile: Congratulations to all who moved on.</p>

<p>Yeah, I found out that I didn’t make it to the finalist stage :(. Well at least I didn’t come out completely empty, as I was named a Ervin Scholar at Washington Univ. in St. Louis. Congrats to everybody who moved on as finalist, and to all of the semis that didn’t move on, you are still great and will be successful where ever you go!</p>

<p>So I am a junior and this scholarship sounds great. I was wondering what are some of the credentials that the those of you who have applied and the semi finalist? I don’t want to waiste my time applying for scholarships that are far beyond my reach.</p>

<p>hey pantherprance! i was selected as a RBS for 2010 so check out the 2014 AA official results thread (the new one) which has stats; i’m on the first page. if you want more info about this AWESOMEE AWESOMEE scholarship program (arguably, one of the best in the nation) or if you have questions, feel free to pm me!</p>

<p>i look forward to you joining the RBS fam =D</p>

<p>PS, check out the website ([Ron</a> Brown Scholar Program](<a href=“”> … they have scholar profiles for all of the scholars since '97. honestly, by reading all of their profiles, i was inspired and i used them as guidelines for my own academic pursuits. and remember, nothing is beyond your reach as long as you believe in yourself!</p>