Ron Brown Scholar Program

<p>The title says it all, really. Sooo, are there any Semifinalists out here?</p>

<p>I think semi-finalists are notified this month!</p>

<p>^Yup! I got my email last night at 10 p.m. I nearly died of joy. :D</p>

<p>Me too! But they’re making us write more essays. Oh well it’s worth it.</p>

<p>Don’t forget to start thinking about what you will talk about when you get your mini phone interview. It could help if you could practice with a parent or friend, and have a few notes written down and kept by the phone.</p>

<p>Yeah I found out last night via email, and I’m so excited! ^^^What exactly is the mini phone interview? I’m only aware of the interviews in D.C.</p>

<p>Are we allowed to contact the committee?</p>

<p>There’s a phone interview??? Oh boy. :o</p>

<p>And does anyone know if all 15 of the finalists become Scholars? On the website, there are only 12 for 2009.</p>

<p>Yes, there will be a phone call from Mike Mallory, the Director of RBS. He will just chat with you informally, and ask you about yourself, your goals, what you have done and plan to do to better the AA community.</p>

<p>The phone call will come before the decision of the finalists that will go to D.C. Also, be prepared to have a photo to submit to them with your semi-finalist materials.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how much parents’ income can help/hurt you? If your parents are somewhat brushing up against the $200,000 bracket (but they have more expenses, percentage-wise, than the U.S. Government :slight_smile: ), is there absolutely no way you’d make it into the finalist pile?</p>

<p>And thanks for the heads up, GA2012MOM. I would’ve freaked out if I got a call from Mike Mallory out of the blue.</p>

<p>I think this question is entirely frivolous, but I’ll ask anyway: </p>

<p>Is the Ron Brown logo a Möbius strip in triangle form? Or am I just confused?</p>

<p>Should I give up if I have not heard anything?</p>

<p>^They sent out the stuff last Friday. Did you put down an email address that you no longer use? Does your mailman/woman have a tendency to give your neighbors your mail? ('cuz my RB packet ended up down the block, and I was not a happy camper.)</p>

<p>If the answers to both are “no,” then I’m going to guess that you might not have made it to the Semi stage. I’m very sorry. :frowning: Best of luck in your other competitions.</p>

I’m a semifinalist too (yay)
I have a question:
If you are chosen as a semifinalist Mike Mallory calls you no matter what right?
so we should all be expecting the call? (GA2012MOM thanks for the info!)</p>


<p>I don’t know for sure, but I would assume they call all semi’s. I know all the semi’s on CC my D’s year did. Isn’t CC the gauge for everything??? :)</p>

<p>Hmmmm I haven’t heard anything yet… but then again I can’t remember what email address I wrote on the application and I live in Germany which makes recieving mail from the states a bit hectic.</p>

<p>It seems like alot of you were notified on the 5th, but it says on the website that the semi-finalists will be notified in late February. Could there be a chance that perhaps not all of the semi-finalists are notified at the same time? I hope so :confused: I need all of the fin. aid I can get to afford Columbia tuition!</p>

<p>^ coolbeans,
Not sure if you heard back from RBS, but I believe last Friday was the cut off day for semi-finalists to have sent in their secondary documents. </p>

<p>Here’s hoping you get all the fin aid to help you with Columbia’s tuition, so keep applying for as many as you can get your hands on. :cool:</p>

<p>Thank You Learninginprog for inviting me to this thread and for the congratulations!</p>

<p>I’m also a Semi-Finalist! And we’re supposedly being contacted by Michael Mallory via phone? I have yet to receive a call, considering that finalists will be chosen by next Monday … Should I be worried? If this is true, I hope that I’m contacted ASAP!</p>

<p>^ You are welcome Justadream. Not sure if the process for contact is the same as it was when GA2012Mom’s daughter was a semi. However, I suggest adhering to her suggestion just in case.</p>

<p>Good luck to you all, you are quite an amazing bunch, Finalists or not!! :cool:</p>

<p>a;sldkfjgh! Finalists chosen next Monday?!? :eek: That leaves me with no time for mental preparation.</p>