<p>The career center coordinator suggested I apply for this scholarship, but after reviewing the application, it seems that most awards are reserved for those from very low-income families from the "inner city." While my family is certainly not wealthy, it's not exactly low-income either. </p>
<p>But I heard that they give out a fancy party to those who get the award? haha. </p>
<p>can someone give me more info about this? It's due Friday ...</p>
<p>Also, there's an "Asian pacific" one available as well. Does that include Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese applicants? Should I apply to that one or the regular one? </p>
<p>^ The Asian one’s deadline was awhile ago…and if I’m not wrong, the House Charities application deadline was only a few days after that deadline.</p>
<p>i saw that deadline online and was confused, but it clearly says DEADLINE MARCH 13 2009 on the bottom of my application … </p>
<p>hmmm. lol. anyone else have info about this?</p>
<p>Errr no clue what CrystalP is talking about, you’re right about the March 13 deadline. CCTV even talked about the scholarship yesterday…yay for more competition?</p>
<p>lol ok well i guess ill just go ahead and apply then …</p>
<p>When does RMHS start contacting semifinalists/winners?</p>
<p>Nvm…March 13 is the deadline for the Southern California RMHC…kinda confusing.</p>
<p>so when are the ppl notified?</p>
<p>EDIT: I checked the threads for last year…decisions come out starting in early May (a few got theirs late April). Weeks to go…</p>
<p>Bump? </p>
<p>Anyone heard anything from them???</p>
<p>I received the RMHC/Asia Scholarship letter on April 7th.</p>
<p>I have not heard anything =/</p>
<p>Yeah I did too and was rejected for the Hispanic one.</p>
<p>Millerl1te, when did you receive the letter for the hacer scholarship?</p>
<p>I applied to that specific one…</p>
<p>Wait you guys already heard about the scholarship? When? wHAT DID THEY SAY? did someone win?</p>
<p>god i forget. I want to say 2 or 3 weeks ago but i could be completely wrong. I know it was after april 7th… sry im no help.</p>
<p>nah that does help…i really wanted to know if you heard very recently or a few weeks ago. thanks!</p>
<p>I didn’t hear anything so it’s safe to assume I didn’t get it?</p>