<p>Are we suppose to know our room assignment by now?</p>
<p>yeah? you haven't gotten yours yet?</p>
<p>i haven't gotten my room assignment yet. on the bearfacts website my local address is just my home address. my profile is messed up on the bearfacts website but my profile is perfectly fine in the main berkeley computer. anybody else has this problem?</p>
<p>"i haven't gotten my room assignment yet. on the bearfacts website my local address is just my home address."</p>
<p>mine shows the local address as my home one too.</p>
<p>Are any of you FPF?</p>
<p>Yes, I'm in FPF.</p>
<p>Me too and i have no assignment. I think it's because we are in FPF.</p>
<p>What is FPF?</p>
<p>Fall Program for Freshmen.It's for spring admitts.</p>
<p>same here, fpf and i'm in the dark.</p>
<p>eXtension pride!</p>
<p>Haha Word.</p>
<p>would this maybe have something to do with subittming the SLR? even though the checklist says that it is due on October 16, for FPF the SLR is due on August 26 and the online version is no longer available.</p>