<p>*cross posted on the MIT board</p>
<p>For the MIT application, there are 5 spots for ECs, but there is a 6th one that I would really like to talk about. Originally, I was debating between Envirothon (team Environmental competition, my team ranked pretty high in some categories) and track.</p>
<p>I mention the Envirothon awards in the awards section, but there are other things that the club does, like teach little kids about science, organize movie nights to educate people about the environment, etc. It takes about 3 hours a week for 28 weeks.</p>
<p>Track on the other hand, I have no special accomplishments in. I'm not on varsity, only JV and the team doesn't make cuts. On the other hand, I enjoy running very much, it's really something I look forward to everyday. Track is a big time commitment, about 15 hours a week for 24 weeks a year.</p>
<p>Which one should I mention in my EC section?</p>
<p>Or should I just write about Envirothon in the EC section and then tack on the bit about track in Additional Info section?</p>