Room for 5 activites, more on Additional Info Section?

<p>*cross posted in "College Admissions" board</p>

<p>For the MIT application, there are 5 spots for ECs, but there is a 6th one that I would really like to talk about. Originally, I was debating between Envirothon (team Environmental competition, my team ranked pretty high in some categories) and track. </p>

<p>I mention the Envirothon awards in the awards section, but there are other things that the club does, like teach little kids about science, organize movie nights to educate people about the environment, etc. It takes about 3 hours a week for 28 weeks.</p>

<p>Track on the other hand, I have no special accomplishments in. I'm not on varsity, only JV and the team doesn't make cuts. On the other hand, I enjoy running very much, it's really something I look forward to everyday. Track is a big time commitment, about 15 hours a week for 24 weeks a year. </p>

<p>Which one should I mention in my EC section?</p>

<p>Or should I just write about Envirothon in the EC section and then tack on the bit about track in Additional Info section?</p>

<p>Before I try to answer this, I want to hear what your top 4 were. :)</p>

<p>Marching Band, Piano, Ultimate Frisbee, Science League</p>

<p>and then either track or Envirothon.</p>

<p>Gah, I should have worded that better. I wanted to know not just what activities they were, but things like what you had done with them (as you explained for track and Envirothon) and why you're giving them the priority that you are in your app.</p>

<p>Oh, haha ok.</p>

<p>Marching Band:
Our marching band competes, and we do quite well. Last year we won states. It takes an insane amount of time. I'm also section leader. </p>

I've been playing piano since I was 7. I took these tests through ABRSM (British music school) and I passed grade 8, which is the highest you can go. And also grade 5 for theory. I also play for my school sometimes, accompanying the choir, and the retirement home. </p>

<p>Ultimate Frisbee:
President of the club. I organize games and contact everyone. We organized a day to teach 5th graders about Frisbee. But mainly, this is a lot of fun. </p>

<p>Science League:
Science competition in the state. I do really well in this, top 10% in the state with a pretty good ranking. So 2 state awards come from this. I spend a lot of time studying for this. </p>

<p>hope that helps.</p>

<p>I might leave out piano to put in Envirothon... a lot of kids do piano, but not that many do Envirothon. Unless you really want to put piano on there, I guess. I personally think Envirothon makes you sound much more interesting than piano & science league do. Science league is almost like school, you could maybe leave that out and just put it in the awards section, or something.</p>

<p>yeah, definitely use the additional info section</p>

<p>There's a bit of a toss-up here. I agree with pebbles that Envirothon makes you stand out more than piano, but the length of time that you've studied piano says good things about you. I would give Envirothon a spot and talk about track in additional info - not everyone's extra activities are really worth using that section but you get pleasure and health from yours, and sports take dedication.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies! I'll do the additional info thing for Track. And yea, for the length of time I've played piano, I definitely don't want to leave it out.</p>