
What’s the best way to find a roommate?

Have you tried the facebook page? Lots of schools have one for the Class of 2022. You can "meet"kids there, and start to find people.

My son did that but said it was mostly girls. I just want to make sure there is another way that I am missing.

My daughter is seeing a lot more girls than guys on hers too… but when a guy does appear, he seems to get “liked” (or “invited” or whatever) pretty quickly.

My son just took his chances and ended up with a great roommate. They weren’t best friends, but had a great year together. They would have roomed together had my son not chosen to move back home this year.

@CaClass15 they have a specific page for classifieds in tcu’s portal and do this alot

My daughter did not pre-select a roommate. But, you do get a profile that you fill out. The questions ask about partying, neatness, sleeping hours and how much you like to have people hanging out in your room. When your lottery appointment comes available, if there is someone already in a room, you can click on their name and see how they completed the profile and match yourself that way when you pick your room. My daughter ended up in a single suite with three unknown girls, but she read those profiles from the rooms that were offered to her at lottery time and picked girls closest to her match. She actually really likes all her roommates.