Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

Today at 7:12 am
@maya, a shoe caddy was one of the top priorities for D’s dorm room with at least 35 pairs of shoes, I think it was most likely more lol.”

My daughter had researched her dorm and knew that in addition to the dresser there were these weird shallow drawers in the closet. It was hard to really fit clothes in there. But they were Perfect for shoes!

Last year was Ole Miss; this year MS State

Q. Where will 22 throw pillows end up in the room of a freshman who is a teenager?

A. On the floor as a safety/fire hazard.

As the mom in a household where everyone has allergies to dust and dust mites, I’d have to say this room would make anyone in our family quite ill with severe allergies and they’d need a room change. I’m glad it’s working for your D.

Hmm…after seeing the rooms at my son’s school in the south I’m wondering if she is at the same school. Have never seen dorm rooms decorated to such extremes like they do at his school.

No, it’s not the same school.

A friend just posted a photo on facebook of her daughter’s dorm room today, move-in day. She said it was done and they were bored. It looked like an absolute pig sty. Barren walls. Piles of stuff strewn on the bed. Quite a difference.

I was wondering if the roomie was from the south.

My friend, whose daughter’s room looks like a sty, is from the south.

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Oh, i would have totally misbehaved! …starting with their entitlement attitude that they could use my kid’s desk for her TV.

Seriously…this isn’t just for a week or two at camp. this crazy mom thought that her DD should have use of two desks…for a year.

@GnocchiB - I thought after all this it would be smooth sailing. I was kinda starting to feel fearless about things. But nooooo…you had to go and bring up the sorority swag that I know is coming. There isn’t an inch left in that closet for even one T-shirt with letters!

@SuburbMom what is the roommate like now that it’s just the two of them?

After reading this thread, my only questions is… “Where do roommate’s servants sleep?”

Where does someone sit on that futon? So many pillows!

We can all go home now. You have created the best thread title ever. Thanks for sharing, I love hearing your story but would have hated to live it. May your daughter and her roommate find peace and harmony.

I knew the sorority stuff was coming but didn’t think SuburbanMom could handle another shock so kept quiet. I’m sure Suburban daughter won’t mind the letters hanging on the wall, the balloons, flowers, the collages of photos, teddy bears, pillow cases, and other swag.

It would not surprise me if Momma arrives for bid day and the entire decor is changed to the new colors.

@Marcie123 - I haven’t spoken to D and I will just take her lead when I do and not bring up the roommate unless she does. Honestly, she seems like a nice girl. I know that when the RAs pulled D and roommate aside, D and the RA said roommate was totally open to moving things around, etc. I hold no ill will towards her at all.

I’ve switched to a bathroom pic. I’m going to leave it up until tomorrow and then I’ll switch to one of my daughter’s side of the room. I’ve chosen not to keep up the pictures of the roommate’s side of things, but you can imagine that there’s a very nice futon that is covered by about 10 pillows and 5 throws. There’s a rolling cart/tray thing and a large basket on the floor on one side, the cart with the Keurig on the other side, and the cart with the fridge and microwave to the left of that. (I told you it was a LARGE room and I wasn’t kidding!) Those were the after - the major fire code violation was that the two “food station” carts were in the entry way and blocking egress. But that was the only way to make room for the addition of a TV stand.

The bathroom photo is a little distorted and makes it look a little larger than it actually is and you have to imagine that there’s barely enough room between the toilet and shower (which is just a square stand-up shower) to put a small rug. And it’s not an optical illusion; the large basket of cleaning products partially blocks the towel bar. (The cleaning products thing is kinda crazy - someone comes to clean the bathroom regularly. I guarantee you my daughter will never touch those, and it’s not just out of respect for them having been bought by roommate’s family!)

And before anyone comments - we brought the squatty potty. My sister has been singing the praises of the squatty potty for years and has even given them as gifts. All I’ll say is don’t knock it until you try it!

My girls like pillows on their beds with very thick toppers. Both of their rooms were decorated with colored storage bins, framed pictures, rugs, etc. They also had a lot of clothes/shoes/accessories. We had to double hung their closets to fit everything. So I could relate in trying to make their room as nice as possible. The difference was my kids had a single. The older one fought me about having a single. I told her that she would thank me.

Both of my kids had to have a roommate sophomore year in their sorority house. They roomed with their best friends, but they still called to complain. D1’s roommate was crazy about not having anything out of place and not have anything in sight (everything had to be put away). D2’s roommate was an athlete, but didn’t like to do laundry, so their room just reeked. I am sure my kids did things that bothered their roommates. They both survived and are still good friends with their sophomore roommates.