Roommate brought 22 pillows, 4 lamps, 7 towels, and a large ceramic pineapple

What the heck is a “squatty potty?” Going to Google…

ETA: “Poop better! The Squatty Potty will make your bad poops good and your good poops great!” This is a thing? You’ve got to be kidding me. No words. I’m totally dumbstruck. Time for a new thread.

The woman in the ad I looked at is sitting on the toilet fully clothed giving the impression that this device turns the toilet into an additional chair, maybe in case your abode is quite small and requires a clever additional seating solution – as in the case of a dorm room.

I don’t use one but no embarrassment or awkwardness in a squatty potty. They make a lot of anatomical sense actually.

I’ll bet my socks that squatty potty would LOVE the advertising of that bathroom photo!

Wonder if the squatty potty comes in a pineapple decor…

@4kids4us, I went to UGA. Saw some Brumby Hall rooms online a couple years ago (where I was an RA in the early 80s) that were beyond belief!

It would not surprise me if ‘Momma’ was showing off these same pictures and oohing and aahing over them with her friends and relatives. Two sides to everything.

@SuburbMom, didn’t mean to trigger you with the Greek letter warning. I’m sure that Greek letter decals would fit on the surface of the squatty potty and I see some space on top of the grey drawer thingee in the bathroom.

Surely the roommate brought monogrammed TP too?

Re: the squatty potty- Kathy Griffin was supposed to be the spokesperson, but she was pulled after she got all that bad press for a certain photo shoot.

This thread reminds me of a story I heard a few years back. Friend and her husband were moving her D in freshman year and when they arrived to the room, roommate was there with her parents, 2 younger siblings, the sibling’s babysitter, and 2 handymen they had hired complete wiith power drills and hammers to hang pictures, install extra shelving and make the closet more organized. So there were 11 people trying to move things into and organize a double form room.

I thought I had heard it all but hiring handymen to assemble a dorm takes the cake. WOW!

The squatty potty was furnished by the OP not the roommate or her mother, so no pineapples required. We are supposed to discount it in the bathroom photo because it is in no way over the top for a freshman dorm, takes up no communal space, and is way less outside the mainstream (no pun intended) than a towel caddy.

Haha - what a great thread! Thanks to all for the chuckles!

@ChoatieMom - The Squatty Potty was actually on the show “Shark Tank” and it’s designed by a middle aged man and his mother, if I recall correctly.

Looking at those pics is amazing! The BEST part is the squatty potty! That will be very useful!
S moves in Saturday but not looking for too many issues! Best of luck to your D!

I had to explain ‘squatty potty’ to one of my high end southern friends - and she was ABHORRED that a bride to be would have it on her bridal registry! Southern friend was use to having MOB have the china/gift display in dining room along with hosting a afternoon tea/party for all to see the gift display.

Wow on the handimen and others ‘moving in’ a college co-ed.

“Wow on the handimen and others ‘moving in’ a college co-ed.”

That’s nothing. My daughters neighbor at her university owned campus apartment had moving people there to take out all the (admittedly disgusting) university supplied furniture, store it in a storage locker and then had all her own pottery barn/ west elm/ room and board furniture brought in!!!

The squatty potty is a priceless contribution to the bathroom decor, which is unfortunately sadly lacking in the pineapple department. What a shame that the theme was not clearly brought through into the bathroom and hence the wonderful opportunity to put pineapple decals on this important centerpiece of the powder room.

If you’re going to have a storage bin in a bathroom with words on it, shouldn’t it read “crap-a diem” instead of “carpe diem”? Seems like it would be more fitting to the environment there.

@jym626 If the roommate put pineapple decals on the squatty potty to make it blend with the decor and be less obtrusive it would surely be in infringement on the space and property of the original poster’s daughter, as the OP is the one who contributed the squatty potty.

Aw man, I missed the bathroom picture?
