Roommate Thermostat trouble

Im having some temperature problems with me roomate. She likes to keep the temperature all the way down with the fan on but this is absolutely too cold. I talked to her about it and now at night she keeps it all the way cold with no fan. The problem is ive already gotten sick twice in the one month we’ve lived together because of how cold it is. We’ve talked about it several times. I sleep with a heater pointed at me and a heated blanket but i still wake up sick with a sore throat and stuffy nose because of the cold air around me. She says if we make the room any warmer she will wake up sweating. She also has a mini personal fan. Im tired of getting the short end and waking up sick, and i wont deal with this for the rest of the school year. Any suggestions? Im trying to get my own room if I can. Thanks!

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Ask the RA to help you work out a compromise you both can live with.

Cool room temperatures do not cause illness. Colds are caused by viruses, to which you currently have a higher level of exposure, simply by being in close quarters with other students (and their germs) from all over the place.

This does not mean that you are not uncomfortable, and sleeping well, however, just that being in a room which is on the cool side is not likely the cause of your sore throat and stuffy nose.

You may also be experiencing seasonal allergies, especially if you are living in a new location (different plants and trees, different air quality). You could try some over the counter allergy medication to see if that helps with your symptoms.

Definitely work with your RA to come up with a compromise room temperature this semester, and try to find a roommate for next semester who is on the same page about room temperature.

You should actually clarify the temp of the room, do you have a thermometer?

You poor thing. I would also be too cold. It’s true, germs cause illness but there is something to getting chilled and then breathing the cold air that makes one feel sick. I’ve had that happen when I’ve gone running in the rain/cold or had to be outside during bad weather. It’s awful.

You’ve done the right thing by talking to her about it but you really aren’t having a any significant change. I agree with the previous poster who said time to involve the RA and create a plan here.

Sometimes we hear roommate complaints that aren’t valid but this one is.

In the interest of full disclosure, I’m currently in hot flash h*ll so my perspective on this is skewed. I’m currently having this same battle with my long time roommate - my husband. I’m in the camp that it’s easier to warm up than cool down. I keep the A/C much cooler than he’d like, with a fan pointed at my side of the bed. He sleeps on his side with extra blankets. My feeling is that the cold person can always sleep in heavier pjs and add blankets to the bed. The person that is too warm eventually runs out of options (and you probably don’t want your roommate naked in the bed with no sheets).

As an aside, cool rooms are supposed to be more conducive for better sleep and is absolutely not what’s causing you to be sick.

That said, it’s your room too. I agree with the comments about talking to the RA to help mediate a compromise. It might make more sense for your roommate to agree to raise the temperature, but sleep with her fan pointed on her.

@momofsenior1… Lol. I am the husband that has the extra blankets for my wife’s hot flashes…?. (It does stop… Right?.. Lol)

My daughter bought something called a weighted blanket. It’s not the really expensive ones but is like 15 pounds. She loves it and sleeps well and helps keep her warm at night. She also has like 3 comforters, blankets and lots of fluffy pillows. She likes to be cozy and comfy and likes lots of stuff around her. She can be as warm or cold as she likes.

Have a good robe so you don’t get that blast of cold air when getting out of bed.

So I agree that you might have allergies. Being cold doesn’t get you the cold.

I need the air fan on for like white noise… Maybe suggest a white noise machine for your roommate.

Some people are just temperture sensitive. Doesn’t mean they are trying to be rude BTW.

It could be either one of you.

Is there anyway to preset your thermostat? So it can start out cold then maybe go up a degree or two during the night or at least warm up before you get out of bed?

Lol, OP has no idea about marital disputes over room temp.

Agree people get colds easier just being around others. Saw this every year when our kids were younger, back to school. Even called it “the Sept cold.”

But also drops in humidity and other environmental factors.

Lots of different med opinions on whether you can blame room temp.

Well usually lower Temps at night are condusive to better sleep. So to the OP… Are you getting the required sleep you need?

If so, then life is all about compromise. If you get along with your roommate, don’t have to be BFF just get along, then you both have to find a middle ground

I’m surprised there is even a (working) thermostat in a dorm room. My daughter’s room came in two temps, too hot and third-ring-of-hell hot. They didn’t control the temp in the room. Their only option was to crack open a window, which in Wyoming means it is -20 in the part of the room near the window and 110 in the part of the room that is near the door.

If I were the RA, I’d say set the thermostat at 66, which is way to cold for OP (who will have to sleep with socks on and 2 blankets) and which is way too warm for Roommate who will sleep with the fan directly on her.

If the room is big enough, set up your beds so they aren’t right across from each other, so there can be a ‘hot’ section and a ‘cool’ section.

What temps are we talking about? D1 went to school in Virginia mountains where it was very cold in winter. Roommate from Maine wanted heat set at 60. In the winter where we live it we keep the house a balmy 70. I like to sleep in cooler room but for me that is 75 or so. For some that would not be all that cool So what is cold to you?

Cold, dry air dries up the nasal passages and that can lead to infection. Since cold germs live longer in environments with low humidity it’s certainly possible the low temps and fan in OP’s room are creating an environment that’s making her susceptible to colds.

OP, doesn’t your room have a thermostat? Why is your roommate the one who gets to set the temperature? If it’s too cold for you, turn it up.

I might say, warm until you climb into bed to go to sleep, then lower it. Many schools don’t allow heated mattress pads or electric blankets. But while we waited for our own heater to be repaired, we found sleeping bags to be an excellent option.

We asked but she didn’t have any solutions :frowning:

no, all it says is warm and cold


At home i like to keep it at around 75-76 also. But in our room the thermostat only says warm or cold

Why don’t you turn it to “warm”?

I think 75 is way too hot and I’d be running 2-3 fans.

I bet the difference between ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ in your room is only a few degrees, if it is even changing anything at all