Roommates Fall 13-Spring 14

<p>I'm homeless Fall 13/Spring 14 semester. Is anyone looking for a random roommate? </p>

<p>I am currently a Penn State freshman studying engineering. I like a lot of nerdy stuff like videogames- but I balance out my social life with school and I also play a womens varsity sport. I live in the dorms now and I am not going to lie, my side of the room is mess 6 out of 7 days a week (I do not smell bad- its just clothes, shoes, and books everywhere); but I make sure not to spread it to the other side of the room and stay out of the way. I am really trying not to live in the dorms next year- the toilet paper sucks, there are no paper towels in the bathrooms to dry your hands after washing, and its bug infested. But hey, anything is better than living in a box outside right?</p>

<p>This year I didn't have much luck with the random roommate the school assigned me. </p>

<p>Let me know: lxf5032@**********;</p>

<p>Just a random question, rooms are same-gender right? That’s how it is for most colleges I think.</p>