<p>When do incoming freshman find out about roommates?</p>
<p>In mid-August I think…</p>
<p>it was really late last year. like yeah early-mid august</p>
<p>end of july now</p>
<p>From information my D has come across, she received an e-mail from Harvard stating that the roommate info would be mailed July 27th and that she needed to confirm her mail address. It did sound like it was coming by postal mail.</p>
<p>Now, on the other hand, she said that there was a post by a student in the Harvard 2013 Face group. What that student said was that he/she had been by admissions and that roommate matching was going to be done by the following day and that the info could be going out sooner that the 27th. He/she also said that they had checked with the FDO and gotten similar information. Anyhow, if you are a facebook person, you can go look for the statements and read them for yourself. D is in Maine for the weekend and I can’t verify exactly what was written.</p>
<p>they also might do it such that we get our room assignments exactly on the 27th. that would qualify as “going out sooner than the 27th.”</p>
<p>I know from my daughter’s point of view, it can’t be soon enough.</p>