<p>I'm looking for a guy to trade rooms with me and yes I will pay. I'm really desperate guys. I have a triple in Sunset and am looking for a triple in Hedrick Summit... if not Vista and Terrace is fine too. Sunset is closer to campus and you don't have to deal with elevator hell so it's a good swap. If you're interested in making some cash and don't really mind moving into Sunset please let me know through pm or by e-mailing me at <a href="mailto:justinpak@ucla.edu">justinpak@ucla.edu</a>.</p>
<p>so whats wrong with sunset?</p>
<p>Nothing... Sunset is great. I have a lot of friends and my significant other is in Summit. Vista and Terrace are a lot closer to there than Sunset so yeah.</p>
<p>SpicyRoll, I adore you. My boyfriend would never do such a thing to be closer to me. Props to you and hope you get that roomswap. I'll see you at Hedrick Summit if you make it.</p>
<p>Spicyroll...I think mnucla is e-hitting on you</p>
<p>uh... the buildings aren't that far apart...</p>
<p>There's no rooms in summit open? Wow.</p>
<p>I don't think there are many rooms left open on campus period.</p>
<p>Mnucla is not hitting on Spicyroll.
Mnucla has a boyfriend.
<p>I agree with ckings86, just walk up the hill to be with your S.O. and friends if the room swap thing doesn't pull through.</p>
<p>Bump... by the way I'm on the first floor of Canyon Point with a shared bathroom suite... meaning more living space. I'm going to be offering 300 for the trade.</p>