Rose-Hulman EA class of 2025 Decisions

Here are a few pros vs cons of the semester vs quarter systems.


Thank you.

Son got accepted . It is his safety school so waiting to hear from others. Stats
SAT :- 1540
UGPA-3.95 - Weighted 4.3
SAT Math - 800, SAT Chemistry -770
Music Awards, Community Leadership and Engagement awards, lot of school clubs.
Accomplished Trombone player and budding DJ

Did everyone else get an email to check their financial aid offers today (got the email yesterday)? I keep checking and there is nothing in that section, so I am confused. I was thinking this is when they would release financial aid?

My son received an email that his will be available Friday, Jan 15th and there is a live chat available Thursday the 14th to chat about financial aid if you want to.

@onslowfam thanks. I should have reposted, as I looked up the email and saw it was next Friday, bummer!!! I almost wish they hadn’t sent it out so soon as there is much anticipation for what the award will be. Thanks!

Has anyone received their financial aid package yet? Thought they were being released by noon, but I haven’t got mine yet

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Not yet.

I got mine! Did not submit FASFA received 28,500 dollars in merit aid!


Did you get email? Or did you check and it was there?

I’m seeing it on the portal itself under View Decision Letter.

Got it. Thanks!

My son received $32,032 total gift aid as per the letter. Net cost is now comparable to instate tuition at our flagship of Univ. Of IL.


My son got $21,500 in merit, no FAFSA submitted. So excited! This now makes it even more attractive. It’s one of his top two options and the eventual visit will likely make the final decision for him. I love Rose and hope he ends up there!


D21 received just under 36k in merit aid. :blush: She’s also hoping for a Noblitt Scholarship. I’m not sure how that would impact/interact with this merit award. Does anyone else have an idea?

Is that with FAFSA? It’s the highest merit award I have heard so far compared to what students in my school received.

Yes, we filed the FAFSA.

eta: She also received an offer of loans and work study, but those were separate and not included in the merit amount. We don’t intend for her to take out loans, so we disregard that part of the award.

Received 33k merit aid

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Just to let everyone know: in person visits are now available!!! We cannot wait to go and are already scheduled for February.


D got accepted with $24.5K in merit aid. Had submitted FAFSA, which I think bit us, in retrospect. This is one of her safeties, though.

Stats- SAT 1560. Math 2-800
GPA- 3.87/4 UW- Top 5% of class
Girl Scouts, Dozen of countries traveled, Dance, Multiple honors societies etc.

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