Rose-Hulman EA class of 2025 Decisions

Congratulations to all Noblitt finalists!!


My DS also got the scholar email. Just wondering how many people are invited to the interview next month ?


I donā€™t know. Maybe weā€™ll find out when they send more info?

I was selected as a finalist for Noblitt as well! Does anyone know how the Noblitt Scholarā€™s Weekend takes place, or what happens there? See you all then!


It is online and there will be interviews. They said they will be sending out a schedule, but I have not received any other information so far.

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Have all Noblitt finalists already accepted their Rose admission? I was wondering if accepting the admission beforehand is a requirement to be selected for the scholarship?!

No, I donā€™t believe it is a requirement to accept before being offered the scholarship. My daughter will wait to accept admission until after she has all of her decisions and scholarship offers to evaluate and compare.

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No yet. We havenā€™t received financial aid yet (received merit, but no word on need based aid) and are hoping to be able to afford Rose if awarded a Noblitt.

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My son visited RHIT this past weekend and did a campus tour on Friday. He went with my mom, but he called and talked to me about his tour for almost an hourā€¦he rarely talks on the phone so I knew it meant he really loved it. He told me how nice everyone there was. Before he visited it he couldnā€™t decide between Rose-Hulman and our state university, but heā€™s 100% wanting to attend Rose-Hulman after his visit. Heā€™s even more excited about the Noblitt Scholar weekend now too.


Loved the swag RH sent to us ahead of Noblitt! Best of luck to everyone this weekend - we are looking forward to it!


Oh wow, there are a lot of names on that email for the Noblitt Scholars weekend.

How many? They will be selecting 55, I guess!

Where do you see names? We donā€™t see any in ours other than our own.

There are ~260 parents/guardians email addresses listed.


Its in parents invite

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It looks like the sign up form only had one space for parent email addresses too.

There are 2 email addresses listed for our family.

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There are two for ours as well - mine and my husbandā€™s.

Thatā€™s good to know. Maybe ours is one because we are a single parent household. Thank you for sharing.

I thought they did a great job with the virtual program this weekend. My son really liked the activities the students did. What did you all think?