Ross JC vs HSMC 2nd year research

If you are not familiar with the math programs in the title please don’t comment. Last year I attended Ross and I was fortunate enough this year to be accepted as a Ross Junior Counselor and an Honors Summer Math Camp second year student where I could perform research (note I never did the first year). I will enjoy both the programs so I am trying to debate which one might look better for my college applications.

Ross JC Advantages: Ross is a more prestigious program, traditionally being a JC is very selective

HSMC 2nd year advantages: Totally new program to put on my application (instead of just having Ross and Ross JC on one line), I would be able to perform mathematical research, the 2nd year program is fairly selective and going straight to second year is rare.

How much leadership do you have elsewhere on your resume? How much interest in research vs an applied path for your intended colleges?

I do not have significant leadership (head of a math team, head of math newspaper, going to try to be head of a sports team and head of an honor society). I don’t really know what I think about research because I have never done it before.

Really tough choice. I see the JC as having an advantage with the leadership/collaboration piece because you are mentoring younger students correct? Leading discussion sessions/helping with problem sets? This says things about your ability to work well with others and your skills in helping. On the other hand, if you haven’t had experience with research, HSMC would be very valuable to you in possibly steering future goals, and you do have other things on your resume that sort of check the leadership box. How about the time zones, or the schedules? Does either work better for your personal location and preferences?

Time zones and schedules are all very flexible and both programs are online so I have no other preferences. The main difference is the prestige of Ross compared to the opportunity of research and a whole new program to put on my resume.

I guess I lean Ross because of the strength of the name, the mentoring experience, and the fact that you being invited back is proof that you acquitted yourself well there. And, since I think HSMC research is in small groups, it is a little bit more of a wild card especially since I’m not sure they were online last summer and this may be their first attempt at it? I think anyway. But this is a really tough decision, and while it isn’t helpful to say it, it is true you really can’t go wrong. From an intellectual point of view, I’d prob go HSMC for the new exposure but… I know you are weighing the prestige factor. Any idea what your research would be? When do you have to commit?

I have to commit by 4/17 which is rather soon and I do not know what the research would be on. The main thing driving me towards HSMC rn is that, if I did Ross JC it would go on the same line as Ross on my common app where as HSMC would be something totally new, a 2nd program, and entail some research which I can use for application purposes. But I did post here because the choice is tough, Ross JC’s are typically the top 15 students at Ross USA (this year it was closer to 60 though) so the name generally carries some prestige.

If it was me, unless Ross had become the love of my life after the 1st summer, I would do HSMC, because I think I would get more out of it to have an idea what I wanted to do next, and because the research will provide interesting things to list and potentially talk about in an essay. But Ross is a huge name! (and I would list it twice, because the JC thing is different) Good luck, you might be flipping a coin in two days!