Hi! I have been accepted to Ross and SUMaC (program 2). Although I do want to participate in both, I’m afraid I can’t do so because of the time conflict… Anyway, is there any suggestions?
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
I may be a bit biased because I’m on the SUMaC waitlist (please go to Ross haha) but from what I’ve seen, Ross is definitely more selective and harder to get in, which is why I didn’t bother applying, and therefore probably more prestigious. (I’ve heard of Ross a while ago, but only found out about SUMaC because one of my friends did it before.) In addition, Ross is longer and has a lower cost, if that’s one of your concerns. Content wise, SUMaC seems to be more laid back, while Ross is more intense and rigorous. Both are really great programs and congrats on getting accepted into both!
You can also go find CC threads to see people’s experiences at these camps
Ross: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/summer-programs/867050-why-you-should-consider-the-ross-mathematics-a-letter-program.html
I couldn’t find a thread specifically talking about SUMaC experiences but you can find some on the comments of SUMaC threads (theres a lot of SUMaC vs PROMYS threads that you can explore to find out more about SUMaC too)