<p>Hey CC!</p>
<p>I recently posted looking for some good match schools for me and you guys were a great help! Hopin you can go 2 for 2! :)</p>
<p>Ok so Im looking for some schools that, with my stats, I could except a fairly large scholarship. I live in Michigan, so I think in state might be the best bet for large scholarships, but I have no problem with out of state.</p>
<p>So here we go!</p>
<p>Here are my stats.
Graduating 2010
GPA - 3.7ish unweighted (my school doesnt weight)
ACT - 32 (retaking this fall)
SAT - Not taken yet (taking in fall)
PSAT - 208
<p>AP English Language and Composition - 5
AP Biology - 5</p>
<p>Have taken almost all possible honors classes. Only didnt take AP US History. Contemplating not taking AP Calculus next year and just taking Calc (opinions?)</p>
<p>Also taking AP English Literature this year.</p>
<p>Took 3 years spanish (started a year ahead at spanish II)</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>
<p>wont list them all but...</p>
<p>NHS member
At least a National Merit Commended Scholar....Possibly semifinalist (im right at my states cutoff for last year so fingers crossed)
Medical Mentorship Program at local hospital (will have probably around 30 hours of following an ER doctor and learning, as well as helping)
Parish Council Member
Youth leadership for my youth group
Week long mission trip to Appalachia
Timothy Award for leadership
Varsity Tennis
1 year Varsity Golf
History Club (possible officer this year)
Volunteer at Hope Clinic (around 10 hours)
Vacation Bible School Worker
And some more...</p>
<p>Thanks in advance!!!</p>