<p>Has anyone here auditioned for this school at the Chicago Unifieds? Was it a quick audition or do they take a half day with callbacks like some schools? Were they taking any walk ins? I found that the three years in their program doesn't cost any more than four at some of American schools I'm auditioning for. Also, there is an option to stay a fourth year for a Masters in MT so it is relevant to discuss on this group. :)</p>
<p>You may wish to contact frozenchosenak through PM or email as she hasn't posted here in a long while. She is from Alaska and her son auditioned for Royal Scottish Academy and is now a freshman there, I believe. I feel pretty sure he auditioned at Chicago Unifieds as he was a student at Interlochen at the time. Her son has a background with musical theater as well.</p>
<p>Thanks. I tried contacting her but no luck as of yet. I also sent an email to the school and will hopefully hear something back soon. I have room for one more audition in Chicago and something about this school excites me.</p>
<p>They came to my school to audition us, so I auditioned there. It was actually a pretty quick process, maybe a 6 minute altogether audition. I did my 2 pieces, sang a song (if they ask), and then had a short interview. So no it did not take half the day.
But they do have call backs like Juilliard! At mine, I worked with Hugh on my Shakespeare monologue for about 15 minutes, and then we talked a little more.
I think it's pretty much the same process in Chicago. I know they take walk ins, but to show that you are serious about the school I think you have to pay. If you do choose to do a walk in, maybe you can print out the application beforehand and bring it to them at your walk in. If you have anymore questions PM me!</p>