RPI vs UCSC vs Colorado School of Mines vs Syracuse for Engineering

DS has acceptances from

  • RPI - Mechanical
  • Mines - Mechanical
  • UCSC - Robotics
  • Syracruse - Mechanical

On one hand we like UCSC it is in state but have not heard much of their Robotics program. RPI and Mines seem to be good schools (anyone can tell how one may be better than the other when it comes to Co-op programs?)
Syracruse is more broad but not sure about their reputation on Engineering…

Any insight appreciated

Interesting mix - for example, why did you apply to SU if you were unsure of the reputation.

Syracuse is not known for engineering but has a sizable program and is ABET - so you’ll be fine.

UCSC - how much does the curriculum match with what you’ll want?

It’s a fine school, at a fine cost - and is woodsy - 45 mins or so outside of Silicon Valley. Best I can tell only Electrical is ABET and Robotics shows up in electrical. Is it ABET? How are their outcomes - they should be able to share this with you. You seem to be mechanical elsewhere so how does robotics fit in there?

Both RPI and CSM are fine mid size schools - to me, Mines is nicer - but I like to ski and it’s on the edge of Denver in Golden, near a very neat little downtown. RPI is in upstate NY near the capital, great outcomes. Both will be more STEM focused, etc.

How does cost matter?

Does the UCSC curriculum match what you want and how are the outcomes? Is it accredited?

These are the kinds of things I’d ask.

RPI has a summer requirement that some do not like and it is expensive, so check on that requirement.

Does your son know coding? The department expects that all Robotics major incoming freshman to already know coding. You may fall behind if you don’t have any coding experience.

We actually love CSM very much. Atmosphere is great, and all majors have several concentrations that you have to select at freshman. Classes designed for the paths are already preselected for you. Much more structured educational system than other schools. My son was accepted as the computer science major. We were happy to send my son there, but once we received the cost as OSS student, we knew we can’t afford.
Very disappointed.

Our daughter is a Freshman MechE major at Mines. Here are the quick positives and negatives


  • The Campus is nice, the Dorms are very nice and Golden is a great little town. Yes it’s chilly but it’s also Sunny most of the time. She loves the ease at which she can participate in the outdoors and with it being a medium sized school she is active in two club sports.

  • Mines accepted her AP and Dual Enrollment credits giving her 34 total of which 21 apply to her major. She should complete her Engineering degree in 4 years taking around 27 hours a year. Her classes are small and in-person averaging around 30 with the biggest being only 60 students. She has had good experiences with her professors, so far. She is active in 3 academic clubs.

  • 50% of her Freshman class are from out of state and the in-state students are from all over Colorado, so everyone is interested in making new friends instead of clinging to their friends from high school.


  • Freshmen are required to have a meal plan. The plans are expensive, the offerings on campus are limited and the food is below average.

  • Freshmen have housing on campus, but after Freshmen year there are limited options on campus and off-campus housing is expensive and scarce. Some students have to live 10+ miles away in Lakewood or Arvada. She is lucky that she got into a new Campus apartment for her Sophomore year. It will get better for your son as they are adding housing that should be online by Fall of 2025

I can’t speak for the other schools you mentioned, but I can say that Mines has been a good fit for our daughter. She was accepted at several state flagship University’s with strong engineering programs but she ultimately chose a mid-sized school and has flourished more than I think she would have at the larger schools.

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Funny on admitted student day the food was good and a student told my son, just when the parents are here.

I do remember the great town. Glad she’s having a great experience.

I’m an admissions rep for the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse. Congratulations on your student’s admission! Let me know how I can help. My email is on this page:

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