<p>Alright, since the old deadline is tomorrow, I figured now’s a good time to start that RSI roster. If you’re applying/have applied, just copy the list and add yourself, your fields/subfields, state, and anything else you feel like adding. It’ll be interesting to see the admittance rate on this board. Good luck everyone!</p>
<li>AltairAqua/ (Biology: virology; Chemistry: organic)/ LA
<p>New yorker
1. Computer Science : Programming Languages (Cambridge/Boston is THE center for this area) and some of the more interesting sub areas touch on the very foundations of math too!
2. Computer Science : theory/algorithms</p>
<p>static, cease your hostility. A thread's content should be reflective of the intent of its contributors, so refrain from such comments.</p>
<p>newyorker, I for my primary area of interest, I talked about a particular sub area that I've been focusing on lately, what I'm hoping to spend my spring investigating in that area, as well as some of the interesting ongoing research in that area that happens to be going on in the boston/cambridge area</p>
<p>Ah, thanks. I was just wondering what people wrote--i wrote about my present study i am conducting for intel next year hopefully, and RSI might help me further it.</p>
<p>Allright! Best of luck to you, schemer! Both are schools are well suited in the sciences. Speaking of school, i gotta leave my house...day 1 of term two.</p>