RSI 2021 - Applicants Thread

Hi guys, after thinking long and hard about this, I am also not accepting my place at RSI this year since I got accepted to another in person internship. I was really looking forward to an in person program this year, but it is what it is. Congrats again to everyone and I wish I could have met you guys this summer!

Hopefully one of you alternates will get in, good luck <3


Could you share which state you are from?

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alternates are not based on state, just best of the bunch. i was initially reluctant to say so, but after seeing that other students were on the same page, i am also not attending virtual rsi '21. i was under the assumption the program would be in-person with attendees vaccinated and/or mask mandate, but that is unreasonable now that i think ab it. like blueturtle08 said, a lot of us non comp-sci ppl are missing out when there’s no in-person experience. wish u all good luck !!


I’m from CA

Stats my broski? BTW you are into any college you want, so congrats! (not if that matters considering you probably would have been auto admit one way or another at any college either way, since you were OP enough to get into RSI)

Wait… Is your main goal to get into a great college or get a great experience in high school. If the latter… you are all good. If the former… this is not the best desition

People who got into RSI probably so successful they don’t got TIME to share their stats bro. Next elon musks I swear

Hi, I just sent you a PM with the group chat link!

Wasn’t able to take the October or January PSAT this school year due to COVID; it’s alright tho

Yup, the latter! I just think it’s way more fun to attend summer programs in person, I’m not very good at math and programming so doing rsi online would be a huge struggle and honestly, not that fun for me.

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That is amazing. By the way are you a junior, or a senior? U totoally deserve to get in. Is this moderate for RSI?

Have you heard for UCSB RMP? I hope to get into it I am a sophomore. If I get in will it put me in a competitive position?

That is all good then! I Respect your decision to turn this down for something you believe and love doing.

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your stats are amazing! did you have an interview for RSI? myself and other international applicants were speculating whether there is an interview in the RSI admissions process

can any accepted applicants tell me if there is an interview in the RSI admission process?

Atleast for the US applicants, there were no interviews in the admission process. No idea about internationals.

Can you please clarify on your statement “Independent researcher at lab”? I would have assumed that if you need to be part of a lab, then you are not independent. Are you instead saying that you had a carved-out project for your self within that group? Just wanted to make sure I was not misunderstanding things.

Does anybody know when intl’ results are coming out? Did anybody email Ms. Maite?

intl applicants still stressed about the results lol.

Don’t know… probably gotta wait till all countries made their decisions?

isn’t CEE itself handling all intl applications this time?