RUE Program Brown University Fall 2023

Who says we can’t learn new things on CC??


Wishing the best to the ones that got in.
Blessings in your 2023 Fall term at Brown.


Hey, I know you’re extremely disappointed with the outcome; I got rejected too. The reality is that we can never know what goes on in the admissions room. There are so many factors that are considered when reviewing an applicant (ones we would never know about unless we were admissions officers ourselves). Admissions is a crap shoot; everybody is taking a chance when they apply. I would never discourage anybody from trying. Hope is all we have in life.

I’m sure you’re aware (and I don’t know if you applied for aid/ as a first-year/ or transfer student within RUE), but if you applied for aid as a RUE transfer student, Brown is need aware. Maybe you would’ve been accepted but you needed too much aid? I have no idea and neither of us could ever know that.

At some point, especially when applying to elite universities, everybody is at the same level. Everybody has around the same GPA/ test scores/ life experiences/ hardships (in reference to RUE students). Some AOs simply connect better with some applications and less with others. My point is that there isn’t a magic formula to guarantee acceptance. Even if there was, no University would publicize that because then they would receive 1000s of identical applications (but they would still have the same limited number of spots available for new students). So how would they chose then? It just isn’t practical.

We all submit the best applications we can with the resources we have. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, neither of us were chosen this cycle. I wish you the best of luck if you choose to reapply next cycle!


Change in tone? That was the first thing I said. As I also previously stated, Brown has issues as an institution, and if I were to be there I would still have the same issues with it.

If you’re on admissions at Brown you should let people know.

I didn’t apply as a transfer, I applied as a first-year so at least theoretically that shouldn’t have factored in at all. If this person who seems to be representing Brown’s admissions staff wanted to reply to my comment in a reasonable way, they could say that Brown takes every effort to not bias admissions by race. Or they could say that Brown does in fact use race to determine admissions (which will likely be against the upcoming Supreme Court ruling :grimacing:). If it was because I didn’t have any school grades at 4.0 despite me doing every other possible thing, they should just say that it factors heavily into admissions. They could in fact do us the courtesy of setting our expectations up front so we know what to focus on and what not to.

If it is a completely random choice they shouldn’t pretend that they’re picking based on merit, or on merit alone. What I suggested earlier which our friend Toast criticized for clarity rather than engage with, is a lottery thresholded by merit. Take all the applicants who pass a certain bar of qualifications and put them in a random lottery pool. Then, they notify you that you passed the threshold or didn’t, and then notify you if you were selected. This would remove the posturing of people who pretend to think that merit determines admissions while doubting the merit of those rejected. It would also give a sense of fairness to those who were rejected, without demoralizing them for some unknown failing quality about themself. Sure it wouldn’t allow as much self-congratulations for those who were accepted, but I feel if I was accepted, and also the majority of students who are (unless they were grandiose narcissists) would actually prefer this as it would likely remove from their life going forward the majority of resentment they might get for getting admitted to such a prestigious school.

A reminder that CC is supposed to be a friendly and welcoming place. Disparaging other posters or fellow applicants is not permitted, nor is debating back and forth with another poster.


Beautiful weather today and looks awesome for this weekends alumni and commencement events on college hill.

Go Bruno!!


Agree with moderator.
I was the one who created this thread and it was with the sole intention of sharing our outcomes, emotions, anxiety for waiting until we got our results. Now everyone in this group knows if you got in or not.
No one here is a venting pole and no need to keep going on why or why not someone got in or not.
Respect others please. Thanks.


I don’t think the above was too subtle. But just to be clear, this is not a suggestion. The back and forth is over. Additional posts deleted


I absolutely agree with you, you have done a great thing and the fact that others say something should not destabilize your emotional state.


Hi! Congrats to the new RUE members, I can’t wait to meet you! If you have any questions please feel free to message me.

Also, I’d like to mention that this is a very competitive program that only takes 10 students a year. If you didn’t get in this time, it’s ok! You can always apply again. I know a few students in the program that applied several times before getting in. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors!


hi hi, I know you said that 10 students get in but would it be possible to know how many students get waitlisted?