Runescape. Yea, I said it.

<p>Who here has played Runescape at one time in their life?</p>

<p>Who here has been addicted?</p>

<p>I confess to both.</p>

<p>Oh wait....who STILL plays runescape?</p>

<p>I have. Both. But I don’t still play it haha</p>

<p>I have a couple santa hats I’m gonna sell.
Seriously, let’s make an RS group on CC! I’ll start it. If anyone has trouble getting in the group ask on this thread.</p>

<p>Click quick links at the top of the page, and scroll down to social groups. Join!</p>

<p>Haha… i used to play, havnt played in about a year. My username was plue–97</p>

<p>omg. i think ive seen you before?</p>

<p>^ what’s yours?</p>

<p>One of my friends had me make an account. I never used it though. :frowning: According to the people on this thread, is that a good or bad thing?</p>

<p>my users are zackill4 and ddlyarrow</p>

<p>other omg, are u one of my rs buddies?</p>

<p>I tried playing runescape once or twice. MY GOD, WHAT A HORRIBLE GAME!</p>

<p>My brother used to play Runescape constantly and that music really started to annoy me after a while.</p>

<p>It was boring until you got money. I’ll forever be thankful to whoever gave me the stack of cash to a struggling single-digit leveled noob. </p>

<p>I can’t believe i’m still talking about this…</p>

<p>I used to play, until there was a huge amount of drama among friends, etc about it</p>

<p>lol rs drama i love it!</p>

<p>I used to play it incessantly when I was in elementary school.</p>

<p>Oh wow…people still play Runescape…lol. I used to for a while, although I wasn’t really addicted. It got lame after a while.</p>

<p>have no clue what that is… guessing its a video game</p>

<p>[RuneScape</a> - the massive online adventure game by Jagex Ltd.](<a href=“]RuneScape”></p>

<p>^ ohh… i only like mario</p>

<p>If you guys don’t play anymore, could I have your account/pass lol? pm me or something…I want to play and see what this game is like, but I don’t wanna start off from scratch, so if you don’t want your account, just give it to me :)</p>