Rural Inferiors! (SAT)

<p>I was recently at an interview for a top LAC and the admissions officer was surprised that I had (quote) "such a high SAT score for a student from a rural high school." He proceeded to tell me that rural kids usually score 100 points lower than everyone else.</p>

<p>Is this true? And will my SAT scores (720,740,690) help me get into elite schools?</p>

<p>“And will my SAT scores (720,740,690) help me get into elite schools?”</p>

<p>It depends on the rest of your application. If you’re unhooked, your scores are subpar compared to those of the acceptees.</p>

<p>Silverturtle, what is your opinion on the “100 points lower” thing?</p>

<p>I would say that is a good score regardless of your geographical location.
I know some colleges take that into consideration and give advantage to those from rural areas.
But the score itself is good</p>

<p>It’s probably an exaggeration. In any case, it’s highly subjective and nonscientific. </p>

<p>Students from under-represented states do get a boost, but I wouldn’t quantify it.</p>