Rush SAT scores for UCs?

<p>Just a few days ago, by chance, my D discovered that she was supposed to order collegeboard to send her SAT scores to every UC campus she applied to - opposed to what she thought before (somehow, she had been convinced that for UC apps you self-report SAT scores as well as GPA). Since the terrifying news just occured to her on Dec. 25, away from home, she just went to and ordered the rush SAT scores for each UC she applied to earlier. (She looked into admission info on each UC’s web-site and hadn’t find any mentioning of rush SAT scores, whether they are acceptable or not. They only mention that SAT scores should be reported to each campus by January.)</p>

<p>Should she do anything else to ensure that her application is now complete and eligible for the admission proccess? Should she call to admission offices of each campus? What should she tell them?</p>

<p>If she's gotten email or snail mail from individual school's she may be able to check on the status of her credentials at those schools online.</p>

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