Rutgers Admission with Criminal Background

<p>So I got arrested for a disorderly persons offense. Its still ongoing so I have not been convicted of anything at all yet. On my RU New Brunswick application it asks have you ever been convicted which i truthful answered no but then it asks are you currently in a situation where you may be convicted of something blah blah. So, yes I know I'm an idiot and I regret putting certain aspects of my future in jeopardy but I've been having a rough time lately and I would really like some help with this. I want to go to Rutgers and hopefully get admitted into the Business school. So I guess my question is does anyone currently go to rutgers or is familiar with what I'm talking about that can give me advice? i know that there are certain schools within rutgers that require a criminal background check but SAS and the Business schools don't to my knowledge. So would there be any way for them to know that I have a record (because at the very least there will be a record of an arrest until I get it expunged) if I don't disclose it and don't get into any academic trouble while i'm attending? Im very torn between taking the chance that they will not find out if I don't disclose the information and telling them the truth and just being rejected right off the bat. Anyone have any thoughts? </p>