Rutgers, Letter of Recs

<p>I applied to USP and Rutgers for Pharmacy.</p>

<p>I know Rutgers doesn’t require letters of recommendations but I still want to send them.
I got one from my Physics teacher (11th grade), Microbiology/Organic Chemistry teacher (11th grade), and AP Statistics teacher (12th grade, this year).</p>

<p>Since I want to do pharmacy all 3 of these courses are important.</p>

<p>Which ones should I send and which one shouldn’t? Which one(s) will help my admission?</p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Send whichever letters you want. In all likelihood none will ever be read.</p>

<p>yea you can send whatever youd like chances are they wont even be opened, I wanted to send a few and called and they informed me they have no influence on acceptance</p>

<p>I only sent one - my math teacher’s… I know, unrelated to pharmacy, and I probably only so she could start on my letter.
I doubt they really matter but it doesn’t hurt to send them.</p>