Rutgers vs George Washington

I’ve deposited between both schools but I can’t seem to decide
Major: Political Science

Rutgers: 10k
George Washington: 70k

I know GWU is legendary for Political Science but is it worth it at 70K when I can go to Rutgers at 10k and maybe transfer out? My parents make enough so I don’t qualify for need based aid but I don’t want to have them spend so much for college.

PS Ignore my name, I’m using my Brother’s account (who goes to RU) because im too lazy to make my own loll

Go to Rutgers. Thats a 60K difference.

no question, rutgers

you deposited at 2 schools? hope you dont get caught.

you’re allowed to deposit at multiple schools, nothing wrong with it I know many who have done so if they’re still deciding. I just need to let one know I’m not attending by August

there is definitely something wrong with it, it is extremely unethical. if you had read the terms and conditions when depositing, you would see that it is not allowed - if caught, they can definitely rescind your admission

you are NOT allowed to deposit at more than one school

Definitely Rutgers. That is a 240K difference in cost. GW has a great location and offers opportunities that you may not get at other schools but it’s 240K more. You may be able to do a study abroad type program in Washing DC thru Rutgers as well.

right, like i stated

Rutgers unless the additional cost will not burden your family’s finances. However, please note that transfers usually receive poor financial aid so if the cost for GW is an issue this year it’s not necessarily going to improve if you try to transfer later.

Double Depositing is unethical, but not technically illegal. See this article from the college board discussing such:

Edit: Some schools due reserve the right to rescind admissions if they learn of a double deposit situation, however.

The best option for you is Rutgers, no school is truly worth 60k/yr over another when they are fairly similar in recognition.

Not allowed per Terms of Service.

The OP got extensive advice under their own account:
