<p>Last March we had a good thread on kids' (and our) reaction to the new version. Since, for some students, this could be the third time (or fourth) of taking this new version, any student reactions?</p>
<p>BlueSon's second time (last march was first): "subdued optimism"</p>
<p>My S did not take them again, but the feedback I heard was that the passages on the verbal section were tough, sentance completion was average, and math was relatively easy. I don't know about the writing.</p>
<p>Considering I am taking the SAT for the first time next month, and that I have alot of pressure to do well on the verbal section, doesn't sound too good for me. Oh well. XD</p>
<p>I took it for the first time yesterday (I'm a senior) after studying for much of the summer, and I felt I did great before I came to CC later that day. :-P</p>
<p>S thinks he may have aced the math (yay!)....of course, he already got a 740 on the math on the old version :rolleyes: , so he didn't really NEED to improve that one. He was taking it to try to bring his verbal up, plus he didn't have a writing test yet. We'll see how he does. He thought parts of the CR were hard, but he felt overall that he did better than he did on his last SAT (January). He's still going to take one more SATII in November and then he is done with testing!</p>
<p>DD came home with mixed feelings. I don't think she wants to be optimistic....her hopes might be dashed. BUT she did say she could NOT talk to anyone about the writing prompt...no one. Did anyone else have a child with this comment? I'm wondering why that is the case...do they not change it for every administration???</p>
<p>if i can remember correctly (i took my last sat last fall), i think you arent supposed to discuss the writing prompt for a day or two. i'd say it's safe to tell your own parents... but ehhh, maybe not.</p>
<p>It is true that we are not allow to say anything about the writing prompt until the scores come out online but the amount of people who actually follow the rule is questionable. I just have to say I didn't like the prompt (I took it yesterday). </p>
<p>Practicing helps a lot especially for writing (they can only test certain grammertical problems so many times). But, still, I found the writing difficult especially with 25 minutes because I wanted to go back and double check. </p>
<p>I actually CR was easier this time than the March one but it is based simply on opinions. Sentence completions pale in comparison with stack of flashcards of words that we are suppose to memoried. Math was fine. There was one problem that my friend (Calc BC) and I just could figure out. But I think we were over-thinking it. My friend was trying to make a program on his calculator. lol.</p>
<p>I am glad I practiced and actually prepared for this unlike the March one. But I am suppressing my hopes. <em>finger crossed</em></p>
<p>Our daughter didn't like the prompt either. The only info she gave was "the topic was not a good one"...whatever that means.</p>
<p>DS took SAT II's Saturday. He says he is done with testing until next May for his remaining APs.</p>
<p>He says NO MORE!! He has old version SATs, ACT and SAT subjects (4), and 8 APs. He figures if schools want more than that, the school won't be the right "fit" for him. </p>
<p>Glad I don't have to take him, since his high school never offers any of the tests. They are always at least an hour away.</p>
<p>He said Chem was hard, Bio M and US History was, "eh".</p>