RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)

I did not see a forum for this but I recently got contacted by my school saying that they want me to apply for this program. It is only like 4 days but my school counselors say that it is pretty prestigious. Has anyone been to one of these?

Both my kids attended RYLA and my daughter was a counselor for two years. Great program, highly recommend it. The Rotary STEP (Short Term Exchange Program) is wonderful as well and really looks good on a college application. My son went to Italy and my daughter went to Germany, changed their lives.

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@marrast Thank you so much for your response! Do you know where I can find more information about Rotary STEP? I got nominated by the school for RYLA so does that mean I have to be nominated for the school for Rotary STEP? Thank you!

The Rotary STEP program doesn’t require any school nomination. Your local Rotary club should be able to refer you to a district coordinator. Most district websites also have an information link.

STEP is a reciprocal program. You would go to a country for 4-6 weeks, and then your host comes homes with you and stays the same amount of time. The exchanges are typically in the summer, and southern hemisphere students typically return over Christmas break.

The only expense is airfare and a fee for a medical insurance policy, about $300. Your host family treats you like another child and your family does the same when you both return from overseas. Rotary does suitability and background checks on host families. You then decide where you want to go (there were 42 choices when my children participated) and the overseas club sends you a potential match, with lots of information on the student, family, house, etc. You then accept the match, or ask for another. My son went to Italy at age 15, my daughter to Germany at 16. Our German host family has since visited us and we have visited them. We arranged an exchange with the little sister of our daughter’s match with a friend’s daughter two years ago. We will likely host our Italian “son’s” little sister soon.

Feel free to PM me and I can help you find the coordinator for your area if you have difficulty.

We were not Rotary members, by the way, but my wife has since joined a club and now advises the Interact club at our childrens’ former high school.
