S21--not an easy path, happy to get some input at this stage

@maybearobot thanks so much for the suggestion. I took a look at Winthrop when he opened up to the Carolinas. I really liked what I saw in terms of ed programs, campus size etc. But for a few reasons it didn’t pass the bar for me to pass it onto him for consideration.

The average GPA reads high for him and so I’d put it at a reach. Then add in that they haven’t said test optional for Fall 2021 yet, and there isn’t a chemistry option for secondary ed–only biology. Those three things, for my S21, take it out of the running as another reach application.

And with that, apps are submitted!

We did a little fist bump with every confetti burst from the Common App. What I know for sure is that every phase of this process is to be celebrated. Particularly this one given all of the work he’s put in to get this done so early in his Senior year.

He feels good about his list and is also realistic that nothing is a “safety” for him. He’s got a plan B and plan C should this group of schools not pan out. Plan B includes a late app to a local state school and, if that doesn’t pan out then Plan C is our local community college for a year to prep for transfer.

So today I celebrate plans. Those that are completed and those in development.

So, so proud of this kid. And so happy to see him so proud of himself.

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Congratulations! What a great feeling that must be for both of you!

Congratulations! It must feel good to know you both dug deep, worked hard, and crossed this line together! I am happy for both of you.

Congratulations to you both! I can’t wait to hear his next steps in this journey.


A couple of updates on applications:

S21 set up an AO interview with Roanoke and it was last night. He thought it went really well and feels as positive as he can about his chances. He said the AO ended the conversation with “You’re a really nice and hardworking kid and you’d fit at Roanoke. I can tell. I’ll be happy to tell others about that when we get into committee.” And the AO is right. He’s really nice. And really hardworking.

Today he was waitlisted from Xavier. True to form for him lately, his response was “So you’re saying there’s a chance?” :wink:

He knew Xavier was a reach and so he’s happy with this result and will gladly send them updated grades as requested as they come in.

I’m just so happy for him that the first one wasn’t a rejection and that he’s feeling good about how he’s presenting himself for Roanoke.

Next step getting Q1 grades wrapped up and out to schools so that they can see the continued progress he’s making. As of right now, he’ll have 2 A’s to show them this quarter and he hasn’t had an A on his transcript since Freshman year.


I have a friend who is a professor at Roanoke and she absolutely loves the place! I think it is one of the hidden gems.

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And he’s in! Wichita State said yes.

First acceptance. He’s beaming and I’m so happy for him. He told his two closest friends because he said “I know they’ll just be happy for me because they know how much I’ve struggled to get here.”

Today is a good, good day.


@ububumble CONGRATULATIONS to you and your S! Wonderful and well deserved news. What a great option to have “in the bag” especially so early in the process. Look forward to hearing more good news but hopefully now you can both take a deep breath and relax a bit.

I have no doubt that your S will make the most of his college expereince and opportunities wherever he ends up.

Great news! And fantastic that he’s got great friends who share in his happiness.

First quarter is in the bag and he’s worked himself to:

A, A-, B+, B+, B-, C+ (plus his usual A+ in gym :wink: ). He’s most excited that the A is in Physics.

For a kid who started this year at a 2.58 GPA, this is amazing progress and shows the path he’s on for himself.

These grades go out to colleges this Friday and he can’t wait for them to see them.

I suggested that he screen shot the grade page and send it along in an email to his two favorite schools today along with a note that he knows they’ll get the official version later but he couldn’t wait to reach back out to them with this news. Particularly because one B+ was an 89 and the C+ was a 79. His screen shot is the only way they’ll see that.

He won’t do it. Doesn’t want to come across as “too much”.

If only he knew how not “too much” he is about himself compared to some others. And he’s not used to having good news to share when it comes to school.

His application, his choice. I just love that he’s has that choice to make right now. He worked hard for it.


@ububumble , CONGRATULATIONS to your son!

Thank you @EconPop – it’s been a good week around here. And I keep telling him, that’s because he’s done the work and just as he was responsible for his failures, he’s responsible for his successes.

@ububumble congrats! Thanks for sharing good news! Wonderful!

Appreciate hearing about Roanoke, too, since my D22 gets mail from them.

Like your son, last year my son was on an upward trend and applying to some universities where his Fr-Jr GPA was borderline, but his Sr-only grades would be great had they been for 4 years.

Several schools deferred him from EA to RD and emailed to say specifically they were waiting for his 2nd 9 weeks grade to match his 1st 9weeks bump. A couple even waited for his 3rd 9 weeks (1st report card of 2nd semester) to give him an admission decision. Many of the schools who deferred son ended up admitting him when his improvement lasted past the first 9 weeks.

Your son is wise to hold on to hope. As long as he’s realistic about his chances, and it sounds like he is, I like his attitude! Our sons’ circumstances are different but similar, so who knows, maybe he’ll end up at Xavier. :smiley:


It seems that itchy-ness has set in and S21 put out two more applications today:

Keene State College
Hartwick College

Both good, solid choices for him.

Couple of reasons he chose to add them. First, one of his best friends just got into Keene State. While he doesn’t want to follow someone to school, he said it would be a good idea to have something closer where someone he knows might be rather than his current acceptance which is a 25 hour drive away. Smart kid. Second, he knows he hasn’t heard from most other schools yet but wanted to broaden his playing field in the hopes of having options. Smarter kid.

Meanwhile we wait for guidance to finally send out transcripts for Q1. They are “trying” to get them out this week but school system just announced going fully remote for 2 weeks starting tomorrow, so I’m skeptical.

Patience is a virtue, right?


Keene State is a yes!

Big sigh of relief from the kid just now. He knows he has a solid option within driving distance that he’s already visited. Not his top choice but a place he says he could be happy.

For those just tuning into our show over here (I don’t post this in the 2021 3.0-3.5 because he’s well below those stats at a 2.6 and no tests)

9 applications
2 acceptances (Wichita State, Keene State)
1 waitlist (Xavier)
still waiting on all of the others

As he just said to me, laughing, “well, no one has said no yet!”

And with this acceptance I can feel confident that he’s going to start somewhere next year. Wichita is great but he hasn’t visited yet and a decision to go that far away would be a BIG one for this kid.

To all of those with kids in similar situations–the right schools for them are out there and those schools want our kids. It just takes some elbow grease to find the options that fit.


Oh it’s been a good week so far.

Western New England said yes! This was his top choice of those he’s visited so major excitement here tonight.

And $15K in merit money.

He wasn’t accepted directly into the Education major but into Exploratory Studies with the ability to transfer in after First Year if his grades support it. A consideration for sure in the end but the fact that he’ll be able to consider things like that is HUGE!

So current count:

9 applications
3 acceptances (Western New England, Wichita State, Keene State)
1 waitlist (Xavier)
still waiting on the others



My S considered both Uni of Montana and Montana State. I had two nephews who applied to both and got in at both. We’ve had more and more kids apply from my school the last few years. No one has gone, but our GC has said that all the kids who do apply are very interested. My stepfather taught at University of Montana for a few years and just loved the area.