S21--not an easy path, happy to get some input at this stage

@happy1 yes, I think the results that have come in showed him he chose the right schools to aim for. Reassuring in many ways. Even the different response details are telling him something too. He’s become quite the educated consumer here.

The 4 hour session with Hartwick today is an example. While he never thought of any school as a “safety” he knew that this was one he was more likely to be admitted to. Now he’s feeling a little uncomfortable with how aggressive they are to get students to commit.

Following the session today was an email offering the chance to win a PS5 system if they enroll by a certain date. “Mom, I’m not choosing the next 4 years of my life based on a chance to win a PlayStation. Don’t they realize this is a big deal? Who’s going to this school?”

What admissions thought would make it fun, to him says “we are not a serious place.” It doesn’t matter what’s true, what matters is what he believes.

And I love that it means so much to him. That’s been a long time coming.

I think one of the reasons he’s so intrigued with Roanoke is because even in admitting him, they communicated that it’s still a bit of a stretch for him. And he wants to be stretched.

Long story short, he appreciated the session at Hartwick today but based on his comments I interpret him as feeling like, for him, it would be high school 2.0 and he had enough of high school the first time around. :slight_smile:


Any schools that weren’t mentioned in this thread for your son, that you thought highly of during your research? : )

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@nidaco I just sent you a PM with the loooong list. Every one of the schools on that list had something that I thought would appeal to him. The key was figuring out which schools had multiple points of appeal (that got us to the shorter list that started this thread) and then working from there. There’s not a school on the PM list that I wouldn’t have been happy for him to apply to–that’s different than do I think they all make sense for him as a particular person.

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Thanks so much ! Again, good luck!

Worst winter I’ve ever experienced in my life was the one I spent stationed in Newport while I was in the Navy. No real snow but the humidity even in winter and the constant 20-25 knot wind was bone-chilling.

@ububumble Really interested to hear about your visit to Roanoke.


As you compare schools, be sure to check what GPA is required to maintain academic scholarships. That can vary from school to school. It’s not unusual for college students to have lower gpa than high school, and possibly even a bad semester or two.


Thanks @Colorado_mom. On it. Some have no requirement, others are a 2.5. The fine print means everything.

Similarly we are aware that Roanoke isn’t merit based, it’s financial aid which means that it will be re-evaluated every year and after the first year we’re back to one in college which may impact the financial aid number pretty significantly.

We’re very lucky to be able to let him make his choice based on which school he feels is going to give him the best experience. That said, we are actively talking about the relative value of all of these schools (“Is XX school really 2X as good as another like their cost would indicate?”) It’s a lot for a 17 year old to think about but he’s processing it all.


Thank you for letting us share in your (and your son’s) journey. And I agree that this board can be intimidating for those that are not at the top of gpa scale. He has lots of great choices and lots to be proud of! Did your son ever apply to Endicott?


@luvtoscrap23 he never did apply to Endicott. As he thought about it more, he wanted to be further from home (it’s only 30 minutes away from us) and too many kids from his high school went there. Small high school into a small college–I get the concern.

We too are about a 40-minute ride to Endicott in Beverly , MA. Taking a ride there sometime soon so he can see what a small school/campus looks like.

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We are also from a small town in New England. My son has a big list of schools that span all categories (big/small, near/far, city/small town). He keeps ranking Endicott near the top of his list because he says it feels right. A part of me is nervous that as decision day is approaching he just wants to stay in his “comfort zone”.

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I actually attended Endicott. The campus is pretty stunning.


@nidaco, @luvtoscrap23 and @taverngirl I love all of the Endicott love here! I’m a big fan of the school. My dad coached basketball there once upon a time and I’ve also hired a number of grads over the years and they always deliver. Every kid I know who’s attended, feels they made a good decision. The school has a really nice focus on real world experience for their students and they’ve been focused on that for a while–it’s not a fad for them.

And the campus is beautiful–like gorgeous beautiful. Nothing like smelling the fresh salt air off the ocean just outside your dorm.

I completely understand a student choosing a school closer to home (this year more than ever). I’ve known kids who attend Endicott and only come home on holidays and I’ve known others who attend schools two hours away and are home every weekend. It’s unique to every kid.

Right now my son is looking to end up somewhere he can “start over”, where no one has any preconceptions about who he is or who he isn’t. And coming out of a graduating class of 145 students, he’s used to being defined early and feeling trapped by that definition. He is still a little itchy about colleges under 3,000 even though he knows that smaller is likely better for him academically. He wants to be able to search for who he will be at college and a small school worries him a little in that respect.

Combine close by and small and they were reasons to take Endicott off the list–but there has to be a reason to eliminate every school right? Until the last one. And in the end, I think all of this logic gets scrapped and it comes down to what feels right, just like you said @luvtoscrap23.


Their internship program is fabulous.


I haven’t read the whole thread, but if that is what he wants he is correct that this is a great opportunity. I’ve known a couple of kids who did just that and had life changing course alterations for the better. You don’t get that many chances in life to reinvent yourself, but this is one. If there are things he wants to change, go for it and good luck to him!


I just tried to send you a message. My 1st pm ever on here. It looked like I may have created a new post so I deleted but it was to say how proud I am of you guys for looking beyond the local schools and that we must be neighbors. If you want to pm me, please do.


Roanoke was a total hit. For those curious about the visit, they did an outstanding job. We were able to get in just about everywhere except dorms. Super friendly team and 1:1 tour.

What I thought about Roanoke for my kid was reinforced when they shared: “A lot of schools will challenge you but expect you to take it on yourself and don’t provide supports. A lot of schools will provide so many supports you never feel challenged. Our goal is to challenge you and provide the supports you need to meet the challenge. We want you to succeed and be amazed at what you’ve been able to accomplish.”

Any specific questions, I’m happy to answer.

And he bought the sweatshirt. And a lanyard. No formal decision yet but…


@ububumble, so glad to hear that your visit to Roanoke was a success! My son loved his four years there. The campus is beautiful, especially in the spring.

Please keep us updated!


Thank you so much for sharing his journey! It’s great how colleges value these hard working kids who’ve had some struggles. My D21 also got in almost everywhere she applied, even though she isn’t top of her class.