
Look at the degree programs I listed, see with him if they’d be interesting to him. If you already looked, what appeals to him?

Math rigor and math grades are going to be primary factors at colleges that select by major. Physics rigor and grades to a lesser extent and ONLY if the CS major is in the College of Engineering. In all cases at large universities, 1st year college math is weedout for engineering and CS majors. So, you really need to pick colleges that offer computing majors rather than math-based CS or majors with less math (ie., NOT colleges where a 4 or 5 in AP Calc is expected even if it’snot required), as I listed.
Overall, for a student who struggles with math, IST/informatics will be less math-intensive and still about computers, computing, science, technology, innovation, etc.

You may want to contact Ubumble about Roanoke (his/her son has a very different profile from yours but likes the idea of being challenged and having support to meet the challenge.)

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