I took the ACT for the first time and got a composite score of 16! Plus My GPA is like 2.7-2.9 and every website is saying that my GPA really limits my college choices, but I know I can do better on the ACT, plus I was recovering from the flu when I took it so I was really sick during the test. I just need some honest advice on my this because I feel like I’m not gonna make it and get rejected from every college I apply to. Your tips and advice will be most appreciated.
Dont worry. Study for it some more and take it again. I’m sure you’ll do better.
Option 2: You can always go to a community college and transfer some place else after.
It’s not the end of the world. Lots of people do this.
Good luck.
If you can, get the act online review. I feel it has helped me because i can practice specific quetions an things the website has shown me i do poorly. It also shows you how to do the problem s
going to community college to polish your skills is a great path as long as you are motivated. if youre not motivated well wat can you do :^)
@MangaMania … Check out this thread:
Can We Talk to the B & C Students About College: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/1764140-can-we-talk-to-the-b-and-c-students-about-college-p1.html
Also, take a look @ these websites:
Four Year Colleges That Respect the B/C Student: https://ghscollegecounseling.wikispaces.com/file/view/Colleges+for+the+B-C+Student.pdf
Colleges for the B/B- Student w/Average Scores: http://www.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/lists/list/colleges-for-the-b-b-student-with-average-scores/683/
C Students & the College Process: https://signeteducation.com/blog/c-students-and-college-process
The Best Colleges w/Low GPA Requirements: http://blog.prepscholar.com/the-best-colleges-with-low-gpa-requirements
Colleges for B & Even C Students: http://collegefinancingcoach.com/yes-colleges-b-even-c-students/
^^ I took a gander at the second to last link, and they’re listing at least one college that doesn’t exist (“Massachusetts State University”), so I’d double check any info you find on some of these secondary sources.