Sad situation...which scores to send

<p>From my scores after 3 tests I have a 28.5 superscore - which rounds up to a 29 (my top 2 choices superscore). However, to get the 28.5 vs. 28.25, I have to use my June scores which were really low in some areas. My Oct scores don't help my superscore, but at least some of the sections were better than June scores and at Amherst they said they watch to see if kids improve with their scores. Do I send all 3? Pls test scores could be the main reason I don't get into BC or Amherst. btw...will retake in Dec. THANKS for any help.</p>

<p>April scores:
27 C
30 E
20 M
31 R
26 S
11/31 W</p>

<p>June scores:
26 C
27 E
27 M
26 R
24 S
10/28 W</p>

<p>Oct scores:
27 C
30 E
26 M
29 R
24 S
10/30 W</p>

<p>only submit your october scores</p>

<p>Yeah. your october scores are the best overall (27.25 vs 26.75). However, your writing was better in April. an 11 is VERY good. submit either/or oct or april. If you really want to and have the extra money, you might want to send both, but Most School DO NOT super score the ACT.</p>

<p>Thought about the SAT at all? tried a practice test? I took SAT twice, then tried ACT, found it worked better for me. Might be the other way for you.</p>

<p>I got a 31 in october 26e, 36m, 30sci, 30r. 12essay.
Should I retake it in december and pay the late fee? I know I can get 31+ for english because last time I set my watch to 60min instead of 45 min. sat 2070 will retake in dec</p>

<p>wow thomaslgo, you got a 12 on the essay, any advice is appreciated man!</p>

<p>honestly, I don’t know how I got a 12. I pretty much didn’t plan and wrote as much as I could. I did the same thing on the SAT, but recieved a 10 on that essay. The only prep I did was do 2-3 practice SAT essays. Hopefully I get a 12 again in dec sat and act.</p>

<p>My top 2 schools (BC & Amherst) superscore, so if I use the April & June I get a 28.5 which I think rounds up to a 29 based on how the ACT does it…if I use the Oct and June I get a 28.25.</p>