Safe school for biomed science phd program?

Hey, I am a current undergraduate majoring in biotechnology in upstate ny. I’ll be applying for graduate school soon and I would like to ask some advice on how to choose a safe school.

I’m hoping to do a phd in Immunology/cancer biology/ biomedical science. Current gpa:3.87. Will have a full year of research experience by the time I graduate. My research has something to do with targeting cancer cells. While it may sound like a major project, it’s really not an in depth research since we’re a ‘low-budget’ lab.
I’ve worked as a lab assistant prepping stuff(reagents/plates/media) for the bio lab courses at my college for more than 1 year now (2 years by the time I graduate)
Have been a teaching assistant for 1 year.

Could anyone suggest which schools should I look into while choosing safe school? I’m not really sure what kind of school would be considered ‘safe’ with my type of credentials.

Thank you!

When are you taking the GREs?

Probably after this spring semester ends since I’ll be applying for the next academic year (2018)

Look at ranking to get a RELATIVE idea. Narrow down the list to what schools have the program, look at their websites/