
<p>I'm applying as a junior transfer from Presbyterian College. 3.89 College GPA, great EC's with focus and leadership positions, 740 M 670 CR 660 W SAT, 4.0 UW/4.95 W HS GPA.</p>

<p>The List, so far:</p>

Mt. Holyoke

<p>I also like:
Bryn Mawr

Agnes Scott
maaaaaybe College of William and Mary</p>

<p>Can anyone suggest some safety schools that match the characteristics of these schools, especially the first four? Location is not important. For size, 1000-3000 is ideal. Preferably a school with no Greek life, or one that is not very influential. Especially interested in a strong community spirit and lots of opportunities to get involved on campus, especially in leadership positions. Thanks.</p>

<p>bump please</p>

<p>DD2 seriously looked at Smith, applied to Carleton, Oberlin and Kenyon. She also applied to Knox and Lewis and Clark so those would probably be a little more safety like. I don’t know how they treat transfers.</p>

<p>look at Earlham, Denison, U of Puget Sound, Wheaton (MA), Cornell (IA) and Beloit</p>

<p>Thanks! Any other ideas?</p>

<p>Lawrence University (WI) = poor man’s version of Carleton (I mean that as a compliment)
I think Kalamazoo is also pretty similar.</p>

<p>Lewis & Clark seems to be similar to Macalester (strong int’l studies, city setting).</p>

<p>Clark U., Worcester (Ma), Wheaton College (MA),</p>