<p>Since a lot of the schools i like are reaches, i want some good safeties. I was looking through my PR book for safeties, and I came up with several schools that seemed alright, but i would like to learn more about them and get opinions on what the school culture and strong programs are (i personally want good history, english, german, and music), as well as if they are safeties or more like matches. also, do any of the safeties seem to be similar to my reaches/matches? i prefer to have a good location with lots to do (urban/suburban/cool town), a liberal sort of atmosphere, and a diverse school.
I am an ib diploma candidate w. a 3.9, and my sat is a 2010, which i'm hoping to improve. i also have good ecs and all that.
The schools i'm looking at for reaches/matches are cmu, case, u. rochester, vassar, wesleyan, tufts, and some others
The schools i'm looking at for potential safeties (maybe matches too) are clark, gw, bu, guilford, northeastern, ohio wesleyan, college of wooster, and wittenberg. Are there any other schools you may suggest? Thanks</p>
<p>bennington...bard...american u...???</p>
<p>any more ideas for safeties?</p>
<p>Could you give me some more info?</p>
<p>What's your's course load and rank like?
SAT scores?
What state are you in/region you're looking at?
Any musts have for college (clubs, programs, sports, atmosphere)?
Is size an issue?</p>
<p>i'm ranked 12th but i may have moved up, i had a 2010 on my SAT though i want to improve it. i take the highest classes available at my school. region: east from chicago, north of north carolina, and below maine. um...let's see, i mentioned that i would prefer a cultural location and the chance to get involved with many musical activities (classical mostly) and do some political and social action and study abroad. for size i want 1500 to maybe 15000</p>