Safety and Good Match Universities

<p>Hey all, </p>

<p>I'm an American to-be college freshman in a reputable French university. I've spent my whole life in the US prior to this year, and depending on how this year goes, I may or may not be returning there to finish my undergrad studies. I'm definitely applying to my dream school, Brandeis University, but, because my stats are lower than the average Brandeis student, I'm interested in applying to a safety and a good match school as well. Rest assured, I've taken all the online exams that spit out good matches and safeties, but I'm more interested in hearing what the educated people on CC have to say about my selections. </p>

<p>So, if you would, I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a moment to look over my stats and respond with a safety and good match that could fit my preferences/abilities. Thanks!</p>

<p>White, Jewish
Public high school in midwest
Current student at public international university studying modern language and literature
GPA 3.942 (weighted)
Class Rank 17 out of 202 (top 10 percent)
SAT 680 writing 670 critical reading 530 math (I've only taken it once!)
SAT II 700 French (taken once like 2 years ago..I'm pretty sure I can get a perfect score now since I am completely bilingual), will take English literature this fall
AP English (4), AP French (5).. (my school only offered a few APs)
Mostly all honors/college prep classes
ECs (from high school)
-Young Democrats
-Drama Club
-Newspaper staff
-Chess club
-nursing home volunteer
-national honor society
-French club
ECs (that I will have in the coming year)
-Democrats abroad
-The American Club of Lyon
-Jewish youth group
-probably some volunteer work as well..</p>

<p>Prefer: small classes, colleges in the Northeast <em>only</em>, liberal arts colleges</p>