safety concerns!!

<p>Hi guys... can someone tell me which colgs areas r to be avoided at any costs?? My first choice is Dickinson ,its in carlisle PA. is the area safe to be? my parents r really concerned bout this :(</p>

<p>Safe is a relative term. Every place is safe or not safe depending on how adventurous you are. If you stay most of the time within the college campus or go out to nice, respected areas with friends … pretty fine. But if you venture into shady corner or alleys … now that’s your fault. EVERY college, the good respected ones that internationals generally apply to, is a safe place. Now … how much you get into trouble depends o how much you want to get into trouble.</p>

<p>lols ok… that sounds fair. but i was talkin more in terms of those random shootings, kidnappings, stuff… maybe i watch cnn a lot… :smiley: but i need to convince my parents… that the places i’m applying to i.e the colleges n the surrounding areas r real safe… etc</p>

<p>[Dickinson</a> College - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Dickinson”></p>

<p>It’s funny how the first thing all parents are concerned about is safety!! :D</p>

<p>Perhaps the crime section out here would be useful as it highlights that Carlisle has crime statistics well below the national average: [Carlisle</a>, Pennsylvania ¶ Detailed Profile - relocation, real estate, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, move, moving, houses news, sex offenders](<a href=“]Carlisle”></p>

<p>temme bout it :frowning: when i told my dad i’m applying to colgs in US he was lik… its not safe… its not safe n yeah… its not safe!! great first reaction… Indian dads r always over protective :frowning: ;)</p>

<p>Haha yeah. I guess it’s both a good and a bad thing though.</p>

<p>yeah… necessary evil ;)</p>

<p>on a serious note… are there areas that one should definitely avoid or anything like tat??</p>

<p>NYC’s Chinatown, lol</p>

<p>lol… that bad eh :)</p>

<p>Maybe Hell’s Kitchen too!</p>

<p>hell’s kitchen?? where the hell is tat :D</p>

<p>[Hell’s</a> Kitchen, Manhattan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“’s_Kitchen,_Manhattan]Hell’s”>Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>oh… ok… apt name actually</p>

<p>College Navigator has campus crime statistics for various schools. You can see the breakdown by the crime type too.</p>

<p>[College</a> Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics](<a href=“]College”>College Navigator - National Center for Education Statistics)</p>

<p>kidnappings ???</p>



<p>Yes, like, when kids are napping.</p>

<p>Carlisle, Pennsylvania is a safe little community. Sure, it may have a rough section or two but what college town doesn’t? Our daughter went to Dickinson and we never heard her mention one “danger” incident in the four years she was there.</p>

<p>oh tats good… forgive my choice of words… but i heard ter r communities… places… where there is somethin called Gun culture…</p>