<p>Alright, I'm currently in the process of applying to:</p>
<p>George Washington U. - ED I
American U. - RD</p>
<p>I just took the new SAT and ACT w/ Writing for the first time, no practice, nothing.</p>
<p>SAT: (EEK!)
710 CR
600 M
600 W (9/12 Essay)</p>
30 Composite
26 English
28 Math
29 Science
35 Reading
26 English/Writing (9/12 Essay)</p>
<p>Rest of my stats:</p>
<p>I'm a rising Senior....just got done with Junior year</p>
<p>GPA: ~3.477 unweighted, ~4.0 weighted, these will hopefully be a bit higher by the end of first semester Senior year.
Rank: Unsure, was around 90/660, but should be higher when I go back, that rank was before my 5.0 weighted GPA for 2nd semester this past year, hoping for top 10%, was ~15%</p>
<p>Classes this year:
AP Psychology (A's)
AP US History (A's)
AP English Language & Comp. (A's)
Precalculus Honors (C's and B's)
Physics Honors (A's and B's)
Debate VI Honors (A's)
Government Honors (A's)</p>
Brought Physics from a "B" to an "A" from 1st to 2nd semester, and brought Precalc from a "C" to a "B" from 1st to 2nd semester, so, rising GPA...</p>
<p>Debate Team (~325 NFL Points...for those who know what those are), this is my passion, I've competed in 5 different event categories as well, and placed in 3 of them (Student Congres, Oral Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Public Forum, Policy)
President of Debate
VP of Law Club
Mock Trial Team
Social Studies Honor Society
<p>Community Service: Camp Counselor at local summer camp: ~100 Hours, helping with middle school debate team: ~15+ hours
Work: Public Library (20 Hours/Week), hope this looks good since it's for the state. Previously was a Lead Graphic Artist and ran my own PC Repair Company.</p>
<p>Background: Single-Parent Home, Dad pays no child support, etc. Roman Catholic, Irish-Italian, Public School in Florida</p>
<p>Looking to major: Poli. Sci., Government, Political Media
Minor: Journalism, International Studies</p>
<p>Courses for Senior year:
AP Euro
AP Microeconomics
Independent Study (AP World History)
AP Lit
AP Stats
Debate VIII Honors </p>
<p>So, what do you guys think would be some good schools for me to apply to, other than those, which I've already started, just want like two other schools to have as safeties/matches. Need to be fairly urban and on the east coast, preferably North Carolina and above.</p>