SAIC second bachelors vs. Pratt AOS

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>So I finally applied to art school, and now I have until May 1st to decide. I was hoping I could get some advice on making my final decision. I graduated in 2009 with a BFA in art, emphasizing in art history at Fresno State. I took a computer graphics class my last semester and I became very interested in graphic design but there was nooo way I was changing my major that late in the game. So I graduated and took a few graphic design and computer classes at a junior college until I decided to apply to art school in November. Since I already have a bachelors I wasn't 100% sure on what sort of programs to apply to..a second bachelors, an associates, a masters? </p>

<p>I ended up applying to:
-CCA, second bachelors in graphic design
-SAIC, second bachelors in visual communications
-Pratt, associates of occupational studies (AOS) in graphic design (Manhattan campus)
-Parsons, associates in graphic design</p>

<p>At this point, I've been accepted to the first three and am waiting to hear from Parsons, but I think after visiting Parsons this past weekend I've decided I probably won't go there. I've narrowed it down to SAIC and Pratt. I think I like SAIC's actual campus the most--I thought it felt the most like a "university" and I like how close the student housing is to the campus. I liked Pratt the most out of the NYC schools, but I'm not a huge fan about Pratt's housing being in Brooklyn and having to commute into the city for class. Even though I like SAIC's campus the most, I think New York City has the most to offer me as a city, so I am really torn in making my final decision. Any insight or advice on making a decision would be fantastic! </p>

<p>I was also wondering if anyone knew if I would receive less financial aid since this would be my second bachelors? Do I also receive less if I attend a school out of my home state, California? Thanks in advance :)</p>