<p>Anyone know about this state school? Taxguy, I think you might the right person. Just curious about what it is like and what the school's strengths are.</p>
<p>Tops in the nation for D III field hockey and top 12 for respiratory therapy major. Many kids must live off campus after freshman year due to scarcity of dorm space/fast growth of school.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info on housing. I do remember reading about respiratory therapy now.</p>
<p>Sorry, I don't know anything about the school or anyone who goes there.</p>
<p>Thanks. I was just curious.</p>
<p>I work about 25-30 minutes from Salisbury. Very god local reputation in general, but don't know about specific programs -- get the feeling that the general business curriculum is popular. Bit of a commuter school problem, and as dcmom says the housing crunch is tough.</p>
<p>Thanks for the info.</p>
<p>In Maryland, its primarily known as the party school second-choice (or third) safety alternative to UMD, UMBC, St. Mary's, or Towson. Its also about 20 minutes from the beach, so many students attend for that reason. Lacrosse is very popular.</p>
<p>I knew that it was close to the beach and the respiratory therapy major was pretty good. I knew little else. Here and there I have heard of oos students applying and so I got curious as to what it has to offer.</p>
<p>Sounds like for most instate students it is choice #5 for those that want a four year instate public college experience.</p>
<p>They attempted to recruit my son for lacrosse. They are top 3 in D3 lacrosse -- so if your major goal in life is to win the D3 NCAA final four in lax, it's not a bad choice. S wanted more challenging academics and a D1 lacrosse experience.</p>
<p>(His motto is: Lacrosse is Life. The rest is just details.)</p>
<p>One of my son's high school friends in a sophomore at Salisbury.
He is happy there but I haven't spoken to him personally so can't share his likes/dislikes. The young men around here (including my son)tend to share little beyond "yeah, it's pretty good".
This friend is bright but did not excell in high school and I know his folks were a bit concerned he would find a fit for college.</p>
<p>A lot of people at my school apply to Salisbury, since I live in Maryland.</p>
<p>It definately has a reputation for being a party school. Kids say things like, "Did you here that Jane is applying to Salisbury and Frostburg?" with this eye-rolling stare, meaning "You know why SHE'S going to college." </p>
<p>That said, Salisbury does have a good academic reputation, and teachers like hearing that students are applying there.</p>
<p>Hi musicmom, and thanks.</p>
<p>CLehighDrie, so among your hs friends, then is Towson and UMDBC more desirable overall? Frostberg (sp?)-Is this also a MD school?</p>
A friend of ours has a daughter at Frostburg. She's there for an outdoor recreation degree and enjoys it. I'm not sure how hard the academics are, she's there for the unique major. It's over in the western part of the state near West Virginia. When I was growing up in Lower Delaware (okay, 30 years ago) Salisbury University (think it was Salisbury State then) was thought to be just a step up from the community college. We drove by it last summer and it definately didn't look as nice as Towson.</p>