<p>Oh well, we got our grades today and I'm still number 2. Maybe I should have tried in 9th and 10th grade, lol. One of my grades is 2 points lower than it's supposed to be, but even if I get that fixed I still suck because I needed to average 104+ this semester to get val, lolololol. Someone please give me a reality check.</p>
<p>good jobbb and haha at having to get 104 (although i don’t doubt that you could do it lolz)</p>
<p>i’m sal, too!!! our school doesn’t actually tell us unless we ask, though. 'cause clearly academic achievement is not something to be celebrated! >:/</p>
<p>reality check: you’se a ho. :|</p>
<p>epic. fail.</p>
<p>Reality check: Just because there may be more than 4 dimensions in spacetime, doesn’t mean that there are invisible creatures roaming around in cities that we can’t see.</p>
<p>^ well, not necessarily…</p>
<p>Did the hare celebrate when he lost to the tortoise? Think about it…</p>
<p>Yeah, well… I wish I was in your position, IV and Poseur.</p>
<p>I have always been, and always will be 35th in my class.</p>
<p>Reality check @ lily: Probably top 10 percent anyway :]</p>
<p>Oh, and @ poseur: Yeah, I oooonly averaged 101.8333333333. If my silly Latin classes from this year and last had been weighted, though, I could have pwnd rankings. lol.</p>
<p>Sadly… I’m in the top 18% ish.</p>
<p>If I had the will power to be in the top 10%, I’d have to boost my average up a measly 2 points.</p>
<p>I can combine every single disgracingly abhorrent moment I’ve ever had with pikachu and the grace of pokemon and it would be incomparable in the least sense to something like this as the essence of fail.</p>
<p>why dont you just average 104? seems reasonable enough.</p>
<p>Because I averaged 102, duh. Really the only reason I didn’t is Latin and Orchestra, cus I can’t get over a 100 in those, lol.</p>
<p>Rank doesn’t mean much. I was number 1 my first quarter of high school even though I was technically an 8th grader with only 3 hs classes. I’ve retained it though.</p>
<p>^lol, what grade are you in now? I was number, like, 6 freshman year and prolly dropped a bit around soph. year and have pulled it up to number 2 by now. Oh well, I’d rather be number 2 with minimal effort than be the val, who errrrm studied/worked at least 40 times more than I did. lol.</p>
<p>104 average oh my god! Talk about grade inflation</p>
<p>INV- I probably did study much more than #2 did my high school career cuz im a loser. I’m a senior, but I’m of junior age.</p>
<p>Ah, no, there’s no grade inflation, it’s with weighting for AP classes, which is why my AP Latin classes screwed me over - taught by an uncertified AP teacher soooo no weight. lol.</p>
<p>Oh so is like +10 for AP’s?</p>
<p>Yeah, usually, lol. W/o weighting I had, like, 97, 98, 100, 91, 92, 95 lol. Silly classes anyway, but they count the weight for calculating rank.</p>