Salve? Anyone know personally how strong Salve's Nursing program is?

<p>I am applying to nursing schools in New England and I am trying to find out about the faculty and reputation of the school..NCLEX seems to be ok here, but just concerned that the faculty appears to be small in number and their backgrounds seem limited to Salve...a little unusual. Any advice on Salve vs. Regis vs. Sacred Heart?</p>

<p>Any thoughts about Endicott and Regis College lower NCLEX rates? Any comments from students at Northeastern this year?Also heard about Colby Sawyer up in New Hampshire…too rural – also concerned it’s very small in terms of students…less than 1000? Thanks!</p>

<p>Of the schools you have mentioned, Northeastern’s nursing program would be the strongest followed by Salve which is a long established program and probably the strongest program offered at the university. Both schools are direct admit. Other strong programs, Sacred Heart & Fairfield, both in Fairfield, Ct. & Quinnipiac in Hamden, Ct are also direct admits. If your stats are high enough, look at Northeastern and Simmons [if you are female]. Endicott’s NCLEX is low and Regis is not direct admit.</p>

<p>Thank you! I know that Regis has a pre-nursing program but thought they were direct admit.?..Also the buildings seem very tired and old…I heard it used to be more prestigious, but then the student body changed and it’s more like a community college with low expectations, but nursing should be held to a higher standard in terms of admitting high SAT scoring students and high GPAS? Would appreciate some comments especially if anyone was offered a seat and decided to go elsewhere…thanks so much!</p>

<p>I heard Curry College has already been sending out acceptances…but not sure about nursing majors…has anyone heard anything?</p>