Same as everyone else: Chance?

<p>What do you all think?
4.3 weighted
4.5 CP Weighted
4.71 Jr. Year GPA (4.83 if not counting TA)</p>

<p>New SAT
2230 total
800 verbal
710 math
720 Writing
(I'm retaking in September to bring up my math score and maybe my writing score)</p>

750 Math IIc
760 BioM
780 US History</p>

-European History, US Hist, Biology, English language, all 5s,
-took honors french but took AP exam and scored 3,
-taking psychology, calculus, economics, and english lit next year</p>

<p>Also: accelerated biology, advanced english for frosh/soph years, Honors chemistry, honors trigonometry, honors french, and will be taking honors physics</p>

<p>Note: Two Bs, in 1st semester of frosh and soph year adv. english</p>

-Eagle Scout
-Boy Scout Leadership Positions: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader 2x, Instructor 2x, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster, Chaplains Aide, Patrol Leader, Philmont Trek Leader, Brownsea Junior Leadership Trained, Wolfboro Pioneer Patrol Leader, Order of the Arrow
-Junior Varsity Wrestling Team Captain, possibly Varsity Captain Next Year
-Rotary Business Competition Team Manager
-At work, 2nd in command to a crew of dancers (I DJ Mitzvahs, I answer to an MC)
-Soccer Referee
-Baseball Umpire</p>

-Boy Scouts: up to 5 hours per week, 40 if there is a weekend outing
-Wrestling Team: 15 hours per week in wrestling season, 2-4 in off season
-National Honor Society-1 hour per week
-Cello- 3-5 hours per week</p>

-Soccer Ref: Frosh/soph year, 4 hours per week during fall/winter
-Baseball Umpire: Frosh/Soph year, 3-6 hours per week
-Dancer at Mitzvah DJ company - 6 hours per week
-upgraded to DJ at same company - 10 hours per week (8 logged)</p>

<p>-trying to find summer job</p>

<p>Potential hooks: Eagle Scout, Unique Job (DJ), Essay topics (will include decision to tell friend's mom about drug use, desire to be psychiatrist)</p>

<p>Potential Pits: two Bs, not enough extracurrics or leadership?</p>

<p>You have a good shot I would say</p>

<p>don't worry about having only a few ECs...they care about quality not quanity</p>

<p>The admissions officers will know ECs are time consuming and require much more dedication than say Spanish so don't worry about that</p>


<p>The admissions officers will know that your ECs are time consuming</p>

<p>is what that should say</p>

<p>Thanks (bump), any other opinions? I mean, this IS Princeton I'm looking at here. Don't make me feel good about myself, be honest.</p>

<p>I think you have a VERY good chance. You should consider applying early.</p>

<p>Yea I'm still deciding who to go to early...cuz I wanna be a doctor, so I'm guaging my BA/MD programs as well. But it would be awesome to go to princeton. Anyone here who's in, are you enjoying your college experience?</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot : ); I never say anyone is guaranteed because few people are. I can see how you feel your leadership is a little lacking, but your interests are unique enough so that it isn't urgent to catch a few more senior positions (tho they never hurt). Make sure to write a strong essay on them. As to your BA/MD interests, I'm curious as to how you're going to put a medically interested spin on your ECs. You don't seem to have any of the 'classic' doctor-y activities on your list.</p>

<p>Email me if you have any questions on applying to (and later, deciding on) Pton or any BA/MD programs. I'd be glad to help : )</p>

<p>Well, its going to be more ethical than straight up medical for the ECs...the nobility of the work compared to the honor associated with scouting, NHS, wrestling (i.e. the drive to do good, do the right thing).</p>

<p>Where do you go?</p>

<p>spindoctor - sorry, I said 'email' up there; I meant PM. I'll be going to Pton this fall, but also got into Northwestern's HPME program/a few other places you might be interested in. Again, I'm free for the next week or so, so PM me if you have questions. As to your activities, that sounds neat (I was just curious).</p>

<p>dont retake. worry about another portion. you are fine.</p>

<p>im applying wih 690M and 710V and not retaking because it's in the midrange, plus I am proud of that.</p>

<p>Wait, worry about WHAT other portion?</p>

<p>Don't worry about not having a huge laundry list of extra curriculars. If you dedicate a lot of time to what you do have then you will be fine. </p>

<p>You have just as good a shot as anyone else does.</p>