Same Essay for all UC Schools within the Common App

Does the student type their essay and use it for all UC schools on the Common App i.e. cut and paste from word or is it required that EACH UC school you apply to on the Common App receive a DIFFERENT essay?

First of all, the UCs don’t use the Common App – they have their own single UC application that is used by all of the UCs.

There is not a single 650 word essay on the UC app – students write four shorter (350 word) essays that respond to four of the eight “personal insight” questions that the UC application asks.

Thank you LoveTheBard: OK. Then, may the SAME 350 word essays be used for many UC’s? And then, is the Common App for most other schools or do I look at a list that the Common App is used for,i.e. is it for the Ivy’s?

You can probably answer your own questions by looking over the relevant application websites:

For UCs, yes, all schools receive the same four personal insight question responses.