<p>Zephyr > Conservatives.</p>
<p>Here's why you're wrong on abortion:</p>
<p>You never answer any "women's right to choose" arguments. Abortion may be bad, but that doesn't make it the right of the woman to choose whether or not she wants to be a mother. I think the easiest solution to abortion is to develop more painless abortion techniques, and dear god, allow access to contraception. If Conservatives would stop stifiling the move to promote contraceptive use, abortion would be much less of a problem, and thus the "mortal going-to-hell sin would be avoided." Also, Eagle79- do your research .The court asserted a right to privacy in Griswold v. Connecticut. It's implied in an assortment of the amendments (especially #4).</p>
<p>And on gay marriage:</p>
<p>Like it or leave it, the only reason to oppose gay marriage is relgious. There's absolutely no political reason why gays shouldn't be allowed to marry eachother. Claims of divorce rates are bull- in fact, they support gay marriage. Which state has the lowest divorce rate? By golly! It's Massachussetts! And which has the highest? Everyone's favorite red state- Nevada! And the next four? Tennessee! Arkansas! Alabama! Oklahoma! Gosh, I bet those gay marriages are really hurting them down there... oh... wait. </p>
<p>And on fetus rights:</p>
<p>Why does an unborn fetus have rights? I'm not speaking constitutionally, I just want you to point me to a quality that the fetus has that means that it should be granted a right to life. Before you respond, I'll pre-empt your arguments by making fun of you. I bet you'll say something like "because it's human! duh!". Yeah, that logic'll take you right to Princeton... there's nothing intrinsically special about membership in a certain species- why do Homo Sapiens intrinsically have more rights then anyone else? Read some Peter Singer. Before you look dumb saying "but they're potential humans! aha!", potentiality doesn't mean squat in ethics. An acorn is a potential 1,000 year old tree, a prince is a potential king, a sperm is a potential Einstein, but potential x never equals x. They never get the same rights. Ever. </p>
<p>As for viability, why's that important? A fetus in the U.S. is viable at 5 months, but are you to say that a pregnant woman gets on a plane and goes to Guatemala where the fetus is viable at 8 months, then her fetus doesn't have rights? It had rights in the U.S. but not in Gautamala? Yeah, that makes sense. </p>
<p>And lastly, about this fiscally libertarian stuff... man, you can have that. It's not for me. I'd rather trust the government (which I admit is often risky) than trusting Halliburton. Letting big business make the rules guarantees that the lower class get screwed. Guess what? Halliburton don't care 'bout you, boy.</p>